Chapter 13

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It's been 30 minutes since both y/n and hyunjin has been sitting on a bench on the terrace. Hyunjin was eating the rice cake with y/n bought while she admired him with eyes full of stars.

"Stop staring c'mon" Hyunjin said with mouth full of the bite he took.
"I'm not staring I'm just looking" she said with a smile while Hyunjin made the wtf face.

In that moment both have forgotten all the pain they gave each other, all the pain they endured for year other, they had forgotten everything and it seemed as if they owned time.

"Hyun?" Y/n said looking at the sky.
"Hm?" He said while finishing his food.
"You know what's so special about the sky?" She said so lost in the view.
"That it's beautiful?" He said looking at the sky.
"No, that it goes through it's darkest time but still never fails to make people fall in love with it."
Hyun was so confused right now.
Y/n just chuckled as she saw his confused face and softly tucked behind strand of his hair behind his ear.
"I mean even when it rains, even when it's dark outside, the sky is so graceful and so beautiful that people even fall in love with it's dark side."
She said with smile while getting up.
"Okay Hyunjin I'll get going now and also do attend tomorrow's meeting." And left.

Hyunjin was in a shock. Y/n's been so cold to him since he came back. She never even once asked if it was hard in America or did you miss me but today she just wrapped a soft cloth around all his wounds. He knew it was wierd but he was relieved that he actually told someone what he was actually going through. And even though it the weather wasn't really nice right now he was feeling at ease, he felt as if he returned home.

"Lee Know you know what to do right?" Y/n said while she was working on her laptop.
"I know y/n but it's a really big decision."
"I know but we gotta do what we do."
Lee Know just nodded.

"Hyunjinnnnnnn" hyunjin's mom entered the house running to her son and giving him the biggest hug ever possible. Soon after her y/n's mum came and hugged the boy while he was fighting for breathing.

"We have a news for you Hyunjin."

It was now the next day and the meeting started. Everyone was present in the meeting including hyunjin's boss. The meeting was in process when Felix stood up and announced,
"We hereby announce the project will no longer be done under us."
And then y/n stood up,
" We are ready to pay the charges for breaking the contract also our company stay offers Mr Hwang  Hyunjin to open a dance academy under our name." Y/n stopped and Felix continued,
" We'll be really glad if Mr Hwang accepts our offer."

The meeting was in process and that when Hyunjin realised what y/n just did. He was so happy right now that he readily accepted the offer.

The meeting ended. The boss was filed a case against because of his behaviour towards Hyunjin. Hyunjin resigned and joined hands with stay company.

As soon as Hyunjin exited the hall y/n came running towards him and hugged him.
"You're finally your own boss." She said hugging him tightly.
Hyunjin hugged back and said thank you while a tear escaped his eye.
They broke the hug when y/n spoke,
"Mom's back so she invited you to lunch."
"Let's go." Hyunjin said with a big smile because he was really worried that if y/n came to know what their mothers had planned she would be cold to him again.

"Hyunjinnn" y/n's mom said as they both entered the house .
"Mom I'm here too." Y/n said
"I know but my son's special you know." She said hugging him.
"Son? Lol mom anyway I'll be back after a quick fresh up." Y/n said as she went to her room.

"Mom you can't call me your son in front of her she doesn't know yet." Hyunjin said whining.
"What?? You said you'll tell her today?"
"I know mom but she was really happy today how could i say that our mothers has arranged a wedding for us and that also next week?" He said sitting on the couch.
"I'll tell her don't worry."
"What if she starts to hate me again?"
"She won't hyun." She said walking up to the kitchen and called hyunjin's mom ro her house too.

"Mom I'm here let's have......Auntyyy you're hereeeeee." Y/n said as she went running to her favourite aunt and hugged her.
"Yes my baby." She hugged her back.
"C'mon aunt join us for dinner."
Hyunjin's mom just gave y/n a kiss on the forehead and everyone sat to eat dinner.

"Hyunjin are you okay? You look lost?" Y/n asked as she saw hyunjin spacing out.
He just nodded when y/n mom started a conversation.
"Y/n we have something to tell you."
"Yes mom?"
"Me and your aunt hwang have decided that you'll get married to hyun and the wedding day is next week."
Y/n's eyes shot wide open as she spoke,
"Mom i can't marry just anyone? Moreover we're still so young what's the rush?"
"Y/n first of all you're not just marrying anyone, you'll be marrying hyunjin whom you've known your entire life and believe me we know what we're doing."
"But mom?"
"You'll be fired if you won't marry him ."
"Mom? This is  not fair? Hyunjin why aren't you saying anything."
"Because he's ready to marry you." Y/n's mom said as y/n got up and went to her apartment.

"Mom i told you she would hate me more." Hyunjin said with a sad face when hyunjin's came beside him and said,
"Hyun believe us when we say we know what we're doing ."

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