Chapter 6

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It was the next day now, Hyunjin woke up and had some breakfast and also gave kkami some food. When he was having his toast y/n rushed in the Kitchen and had some cereal in a hurry.
"Calm down girl."
"We have to leave for prom at 4?"
"AND IT'S 12 ALREADY HYUNJIN." she yelled and went back to her room. Hyunjin chuckled as he found her cute.

It was 3.30 p.m. when Hyunjin was sitting on the sofa in his living room.
"I'M READY WE CAN LEAVE WHENEVER YOU'RE READY." he said as he took some pictures of what he wore.

" he said as he took some pictures of what he wore

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This is what he wore.

While he was waiting he heard the door unlocking as y/n stepped down the stairs. She wore a long black dress with her hair down and some elegant jewellery. She looked no less than a queen. Hyunjin got lost in her beauty and just wanted to hold her in his arms and admire her beauty.

 Hyunjin got lost in her beauty and just wanted to hold her in his arms and admire her beauty

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The dress y/n wore

Hyunjin walked upto her as he helped her to come down the stairs.
"Thank you Hyunjin." She said with a soft smile.
Hyunjin nodded as he tucked a string of hair that was her face behind her ear.
"You look really beautiful."
Y/n giggled.
"Even Mr. Hyunjin is looking a little better today."
Hyunjin picked up kkami who was trying to eat y/n's dress.
"Thank you Y/n".

Y/n also started petting kkami and she wasn't sure what to talk about. Hyunjin looked extremely good and her heart was beating really hard whenever he complimented her or looked at her. Hyunjin broke the silence and said,
"Let's take some pictures?"
Y/n nodded as the took a huge amount of pictures together.
"Hyunjin can we have kkami in our pictures too please?" Y/n said with puppy eyes.
"Ah so it's not one sided, you also love kkami huh." Y/n giggled at his sentence as he set the camera again but now kkami was on y/n's lap as she sat beside Hyunjin.

"Let's put kkami to sleep? We have to go now." Hyunjin said taking kkami as he fed him some food and put on some music so he could sleep.

Y/n and Hyunjin walked up to the car and Hyunjin opened the door for her. Y/n was really impressed with this Hyunjin. She thanked him and sat.

"It'll take an hour because of the traffic." Hyunjin said looking infront.
"It's okay Hyunjin we have to reach till 5." Y/n said while she was on her phone.
"Oh mom's calling." She said and accepted the call. It was a video call.

"Hi Mom."
"Hi sweetie. Oh my god my princess looks so pretty." She complimented.
"Thanks mom." Y/n blushed.
"By the way i called to see how Hyunjin looked." She teased.
"Yeah of course mom." Y/n turned the camera towards him.

"Hello auntie."
"You look so handsome today Hyunjin."
"Hahah thanks auntie."

After y/n's mom they talked to hyunjin's mom but the destination was still 20 minutes away so y/n decided to check their pictures.

"Hey I'm taking your phone to see pictures?"
"Go ahead."

Y/n was really happy with how the pictures turned out.
"We look good together though." She said unconsciously.
"And the pictures with kkami looks like we are a small family hahaha." She continued not realising she said that out loud.
Hyunjin was blushing mess right now but he took the courage to reply,
"Of course we look good, I make everyone around me look good."

Y/n was confused.
"You know your sentence doesn't make sense right?"
"Makes sense to me."
Y/n sighed as she started looking at the pictures again.

Soon they reached the destination.
Hyunjin opened the door for y/n and held her hand as she got down.
Y/n placed her arm around Hyunjin's arm which caught Hyunjin by surprise.
"We are here as a prom couple so let's act like one?" Y/n said with a smile.
"Hyunjin nodded with a smile as they entered the hall.

"Oh my god our y/n looks so good." Lee Know said as he walked up to the couple with the girl he came.
"You both look cute together." Y/n said with a smile.
"Hyunjin don't make her cry okay?" Felix said as he entered the hall.
Hyunjin looked at y/n and saw the prettiest face he's ever seen thinking to himself how could he ever dare to make her sad or even cry.

"You both should go and enjoy your date." Hyunjin said and everyone left. Many friends came, met and left to enjoy their date and y/n was holding hyunjin's arm tightly all the time. To be honest y/n hated crowded places but she felt really comfortable when she was with Hyunjin.

They both were sitting having a drink when the lights when dim and the music slowed. Hyunjin turned towards y/n as he put forward his hand.
"Would Miss Y/n mind having a dance with Mr. Hyunjin?"
Y/n chuckled at how cute he looked and she held his hand indicating a yes.

Hyunjin carefully took y/n to the dance floor and stood in front of her.
He slowly placed his one hand around her waist and the other held her hand. Y/n wrapped one of her hand around his shoulder and they slowly started to dance.

Their hands fitted in each others like they were made just for them. Hyunjin was still not able to believe all this was actually happening while y/n was so mesmerized by him. She never had admired him this closely. His eyes, the mole under his eye, his blonde hair, his lips and all of the beauty that his face had.

Hyunjin slowly came close to y/n's face as he placed a kiss on her forehead.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and asked,
"What's that for?"
"Just." He smiled as they went to have some food.

Hyunjin and y/n were now sitting with other students while the school was deciding on whom to announce as the prom king and queen.
Meanwhile y/n noticed Chan who was kissing the girl he came with. Hyunjin saw y/n looking at him and got worried that it might hurt her.

"You should not see things that might hurt you." Hyunjin said looking at Chan.
Y/n turned her gaze towards Hyunjin,
"It should hurt me but I don't feel hurt maybe because I have other things to look after now?"
Hyunjin looked at her when the announcement was made about the prom king and queen. They were Lee Know and his date. Hyunjin and y/n was really happy for them.

The school was having some speeches by teachers which was tiring out y/n. Hyunjin could see her getting dizzy.
"You can sleep on my shoulder if you want to."
Y/n was really tired to even think about anything so she just wrapped her arm around his arm and fell asleep on his shoulder.

"Thank you for coming with me Y/n." Hyunjin said while caressing her cheek.

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