Chapter 16

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It's been 2 hours since y/n returned home and discovered hyunjin had fever. She's been rubbing a cold damp cloth on his forehead in order to reduce the fever for an hour and then went to cook porridge for him .

"Hyunjin" she softly called his name in order to wake him up,
"Hyunjin get up let's have some food." She said placing the bowl on the nightstand, sitting beside him.

"Huh?" Hyunjin said in a weak sleepy tone.
"C'mon boy let's eat something, you need food to recover well." She said carefully making Hyunjin sit with his back supporting the bed.

"Here" she held the bowl and filled a spoon with porridge taking it to Hyunjin.
"Y/n i don't like porridge." He whined.
"Hyunjin you have to eat it." She said making him eat the porridge.

Soon the porridge finished and y/n took some medicines to Hyunjin.
"Here have them and you'll be fine by tomorrow." She said handing them with a glass of water.

"I don't want to get well." He said with a pout.
"Hyunjin you shouldn't say that." Y/n said in a scolding way.
"I don't want to get well because i want you to be this nice to me always." He said with uwu eyes.
"Shut up and have the medicines."

Hyunjin took the medicine and went to sleep again. Y/n went down to feed kkami and luna and also had some food. After a while she slept while caressing hyunjin's head.

It was now morning. Y/n was still lying beside hyunjin with her hand over his head. Hyunjin's fever was all gone now and he felt so much better now. He slowly opened his eyes only to realise a hand over his head.

He slowly held her hand and brought it near to his face. He placed a light kiss on her hand while admiring her calm sleeping face.
"Thank you love." He said almost in a whisper.

This woke y/n up and she noticed Hyunjin was holding her hand.
"Hey do you need something? You feel better?" She said checking his forehead while her hand while he shook his face.

"Wow you're fever's all gone now." She said with a bright smile.
"Y/n" Hyunjin said but then shook his head.
"What?? Ask" she said
"Sometime later." To this y/n just nodded.

Hyunjin was having breakfast on the table when he saw y/n in a suit.
" Work?"
Y/n nodded as she grabbed a toasted bread and starting eating it.
"See you later."
"See you later hyunjin and don't forget to take medicines okay?" She said walking out of the house.

Hyunjin was still sitting on the table when he decided to check his socials. He opened his Instagram and saw y/n has uploaded some posts. The first post was her yesterday's outfit but the second caught his attention. It was y/n with a boy? He scrolled the comments and saw lee know commenting finally these two babies meet and Felix commenting after months. He was so jealous right now.
"She's never  posted me on her socials but?" He said tapping on the tagged person and it was a guy named yeonjun.

" Yeonjun"

It was now evening and Hyunjin was in the balcony enjoying his tea. He saw y/n walking up to the house with someone.
He hurriedly went downstairs and opened the door for y/n.

"Welcome back babe." He said with a smile and kkami was now running to y/n . Y/n picked up kkami and luna was fast asleep on the couch.
She was in a shock about what she just heard.

"Umm Hyunjin this is Yeonjun and Yeonjun this Hyunjin." She said.
"Her husband." Hyunjin added.
"Nice to meet you." Yeonjun said with a smile and then facing y/n.
"See you later y/n" he said and hugged her a goodbye.

Y/n went in the house placing kkami near luna while Hyunjin opened his laptop pretending to work.
"You're working?" Y/n asked.
"Mhm thinking how manage this at the dance studio." He said.

"By the way Hyunjin, what was that earlier? Were you perhaps jealous?" She said with a chuckle.
"Jealous? Me? I was just protecting  you from lame guys." He said his eyes fixed on his laptop.

Y/n nodded and went upstairs to change in comfortable clothes.
"Is he really close to her?" Hyunjin said as he was looking at her going to her room.

Author's note:
The series is very near to it's end!!! I hope you're enjoying 🦋

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