Chapter 14

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Hyunjin finished his food and took his car to y/n's apartment. He rang the bell to her apartment and waited. It's been 10 minutes since he's been standing there but y/n never came to open the door so he just used the spare key that y/n's mum gave him.

As soon as he entered the apartment he was welcomed by luna running towards him but kkami was still in y/n's room. Hyunjin carefully opened the door to the room and saw y/n sitting near the window looking out with literally a blank expression while kkami sat on y/n's lap.

Hyunjin went up to y/n and picked up kkami and placed him down for a while and sat on his knees in front of y/n. He softly took her hands and placed her hands in his.

"Y/n" he said softly while y/n turned her face towards him.
"I know you're not ready for this, I know you have many questions, I know this seems unfair but after all that our mothers have done for us, can't we just fulfil their one wish?"
Y/n didn't respond.
"y/n your mom really loves you and she thinks this is the best for us. Moreover if we get married you can actually get that CEO position easily. I know you're not after that but as my mom's only son we get a 50 50 share in that position but I don't want it and it'll all be yours."
It was now that y/n spoke,
"I can't do that, you deserve that position as much as me."
Hyunjin shook his head,
"No, all the time when I was abroad, you built the company. My mom told me how the company almost went bankrupt but you managed to save the company. All i want my little dance studio and that's already happening." He said with a smile.
"But still hyunjin we can't just marry because my mom says so."
"Y/n let's just do it for our mother's sake for once, we can obviously tell them after an year that it didn't work so we want a divorce and they won't stop us i know that." He said holding her hands tightly.
"A fake marriage?" She asked while Hyunjin nodded.
"But isn't a marriage too much to make our mothers happy?" She said again.

"It may be too much for us but after all they have given us this is the least we can do." Hyunjin said standing up.
"I'll be in the living room with kkami and Luna, you can have your space to tell your descision."

He went out while y/n just reflected on what just Hyunjin said.

A week later and there stood Hyunjin at the end of isle looking fine in of the suits.

A week later and there stood Hyunjin at the end of isle looking fine in of the suits

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The guests were not many but they were really close to either y/n or Hyunjin.

Felix sat with lia and lee Know's girlfriend in the front row. While on the other side sat Jeongin, Han and all other friends.

Lee Know was with y/n in the room where was getting ready.
"Thank you so much Lee Know for agreeing to walk her down the aisle." Said y/n's mom .
"Don't thank me auntie, we've been best friends for a long time, it's my pleasure."

Then the mother also went out to sit in the audience and y/n and Lee know stood face to face in the room alone.
"You've been really quite since the morning y/n." Lee Know said looking at y/n's face which seemed lost.

"Lee Know"
"I always thought what it would be like to marry Hyunjin, like I've always wanted this to happen but not like this. I know he doesn't like me, he told me that day that we can just divorce after an year or so but i never wanted to marry him so i can divorce -"
She was cut when Lee Know spoke,

"You can't control what's happening right now but what you can control is how you handle yourself. I know this is how you wanted things to be but this is how things are right now. Don't be sad about what has happened, try spending some time with him too maybe things go in your favour." Lee Know said.

This sparked a hope in y/n that there's one in a million chance he might fall for her but she knows that she's cold by personality that'll just make things worse so she just nodded.

The doors opened, Hyunjin was standing waiting for his bride when his eyes got teary when he saw y/n wearing a beautiful white dress, walking down the aisle with Lee know, and coming to him, to marry him.

The doors opened, Hyunjin was standing waiting for his bride when his eyes got teary when he saw y/n wearing a beautiful white dress, walking down the aisle with Lee know, and coming to him, to marry him

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Lee Know handed y/n's hand to Hyunjin and said,
"I've been with y/n for years now and she's more like a family to me, i hope you don't break her heart and take care of her."

Hyunjin nodded as y/n stood right in front of him, both holding hands and ready to say the vows.

" I do" both said as the crowd clapped.
"You may kiss the bride now." The priest said but Hyunjin just softly placed a kiss on y/n's cheek.

"I will when she's comfortable." He said with a smile as everyone started to congratulate them.

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