Chapter 5

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"c'mon i wanna see too how you look." Hyunjin said standing outside the trying section while y/n was trying on a prom dress.

"No Hyunjin go look for a dress for you even you have to go to prom remember?" Y/n said while she was in the room trying her dress.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and went to look for a suit for himself. On the other hand y/n looked in the mirror trying on a black gown,
"I can't believe Hyunjin is taking me to prom." She said with a soft chuckle.
"The dress looks nice though i'mma buy this one." She said to herself and asked the staff to pack that dress.

Hyunjin was still in the men's section looking for a suit. Y/n quietly stood at a distance as she observed him.
"You're gonna stare at me till your last breath?" Hyunjin said with a smirk as he turned towards her.
"My last breath? Huh as if." She said as she walked upto him.

"Mr. Hyunjin I've chosen my dress so you better don't waste my precious time and choose a good one for you too." She said looking at the suits displayed infront.

"Why do you even care what I'm wearing miss y/n." He rolled his eyes and started checking out some outfits.
Y/n turned towards him and turned his face towards her with her hand cupped on his cheek,
"Because if you're taking me to the prom you better be the best dressed."
And she went to the cashier to pay for her dress. Hyunjin's heart was beating so fast that it would pop anytime.
"Where does she get this confidence from?" He whispered to himself as he placed his hand on the same spot y/n had her hand on his face.

After shopping they both decided to eat at a restaurant nearby.
"I feel guilty." Y/n said as she ate her food.
"About?" Hyunjin asked confused.
"I know we are from a well off family because our mothers are partners in a big business firm but it was not always like that. They had bad days and put all their blood sweat and tears in this."
She said looking down.
"So feel bad about spending their money?" Hyunjin asked.
"Y/n look at me." Hyunjin said while y/n looked at him.
"Our mothers have worked hard for this but I'm pretty sure they feel good when they can buy us good stuff. And we never spend the money unnecessarily so you don't have to be guilty about it okay?"
Y/n nodded and continued eating her food.
"Can i ask you something?" She said while finishing her food.
"Go ahead."
"Why me?"
"Huh?" Hyunjin was confused.
"I mean why would you choose me for the prom."
"Because looking at you, I think you're a girl so i asked you out."
Now y/n was confused.
"So you asked me out because i was a girl?"
Hyunjin nodded while y/n rolled her eyes.

The prom was tomorrow and now it was the night before prom. It was time for dinner when Hyunjin called y/n to come down to eat dinner while she refused so he went to her room, opening the door he asked,
"You're sick?"
Y/n who was laying on her bed scrolling through her phone shook her head in a no.
"So why you refused to eat?"
"Aghh thatttt"
"Yeah that?"
"Well it's simple Hyunjin i have to wear a dress tomorrow and so i can't have a full stomach it'll make me look-"
"Come down in 5 minutes to eat dinner or I'm telling your mom you're skipping meals."
Y/n kept her phone on the side and she got up from the bed.
"You can't do that?"
"I can and i will so you better be down to have dinner." Hyunjin said and went downstairs.

Y/n also went downstairs with him and sat at the table. She had a pout on her face all the time when Hyunjin noticed he said,
"You won't look fat i promise."
"How can you promise that huh?"
"Well if you feel like you look fat I'll wrap my hand around you waist so no one can see your belly?"
Y/n choked on her food as Hyunjin offered her some water.
"Hyunjin i won't look fat okay? No need to even think about that."
"What? I was just joking." He said with a giggle.

After dinner kkami went to sleep with y/n as he always stays around her.
"Funny how i raised him and he likes her. Like master Like pet." He said as he went to his bed. To be honest Hyunjin was really excited for tomorrow. His heart was beating so fast and he couldn't believe he'll be taking the girl he loves the most to the prom.

He wanted to sleep but had no sleep so he got and started writing his journal. He always used to do that since he barely shared his feelings with anyone so he chose to write those down.

"It's going to be the best day of my life." Hyunjin said as he was blushing mess.

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