Chapter 15

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The wedding was now over and Hyunjin and y/n sat at the back seat as the driver rode them to their new house which was a gift to them by their mothers.

The place was 2 hours away from the wedding hall as the hall was on the city outskirts while the house in the city. After 10 minutes ride, y/n's eyes started getting heavy but she tried to keep herself up.

"Y/n" Hyunjin said
"Yeah?" She faced him.
"I don't about being the husband wife thing but can we be friends for once?"
He asked genuinely.
"We can try though." She said adjusting herself as she knows she might fall asleep anytime now.

"So you're tired?" Hyunjin asked while y/n just nodded.
"Rest for some time." Hyunjin said tapping on his shoulder while y/n shook her head.
"C'mon we've slept together this is nothing." Hyunjin said with a chuckle.
"Hyunjin sleeping together has other meanings too okay?" Y/n said with a blush.

Hyunjin just softly held her head and placed on his shoulder.
"Get some rest." He said and closed his eyes placing his head on hers and they both slept.

Y/n opened her eyes and realised that she was no longer in the car? Wait it's morning? Wait there's someone in the bed with her? But she still have the dress on?

As soon as she opened her eyes she felt a hand on her waist so she slowly turned around only to realise that Hyunjin was sleeping next to her, still in his wedding suit. His face looked so peaceful and beautiful in that morning sunshine.

Soon hyunjin woke up rubbing his eyes,
"Oh you're up, good morning." He said in his heavy sleepy voice but out of nowhere he just sat on the bed with the biggest smile.
"I have to show you something",he said as y/n sat. He held her by her wrist and took her downstairs. As she was admiring the house she realised that Hyunjin actually bought kkami and Luna to their house.

"I know this marriage wasn't your wish but i thought to make it better i might bring these babies." He said with the proudest smile as Luna walked up to him and kkami ran into y/n's arm.

"Thank you Hyunjin." She said petting kkami in her arms while Hyunjin picked up Luna.
"Guess he really loves you more than me." Hyunjin joked while y/n said,
"By the way it's for the first time that Luna actually went into someone's arms that's not me."

"Guess she loves me." Hyunjin chuckled and placed Luna on the couch.
"Let me make some breakfast, you can freshen up."
Y/n nodded and went away.

Breakfast was ready and Hyunjin and y/n were sitting face to face having their breakfast. It was kinda awkward because they didn't know what to talk about.

He looked up.
"I was thinking if we have nothing to do today as we are free today why not have a discussion about your new studio? With Lee Know also?"
He nodded.
"Okay I'll call him after breakfast."

It was 2 pm, the discussion was now over and Lee Know just got up from the couch but was stopped when Hyunjin said,
"Hey let's have lunch together?"
Lee Know while responded,
"I have a date with my girlfriend so i gotta go." He then came really close to Hyunjin and whispered in his ear,
" Take a step ahead, i promise she's ready but don't break her heart." He said as he waved goodbye to them.

"Who knew Lee Know would be this romantic when he's in love" y/n chuckled and as she turned to walk up to the shared bedroom Hyunjin grabbed her wrist and hugged her from behind slowly wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his face on her shoulders.

"Thank you." He said
"I don't know why you're helping me with opening a dance academy for me but when saw you discussing things with Lee Know earlier, i could see you were not forcing yourself but genuinely into it
So thank you." He said making his grip around her more tight.

"Don't thanks me Hyunjin, you deserve it." She said nervously.
He shook his head.
"What happened?"
"I'm not Hyunjin, I'm Hyun. Remember you used to call me that all the time when we were younger, but then we transferred to high school and the bickering started and slowly it faded away. Can you just keep calling me hyun? Please?"
"I've been calling you Hyunjin since years now so it'll take some time but I'll try my best."
Hyunjin just gave a small kiss on the back of her head and let go of her. He then sat on the couch with Luna and Kkami while y/n went to her room.

After a while she was out now wearing a cute outfit while Hyunjin was watching a movie on the television.

After a while she was out now wearing a cute outfit while Hyunjin was watching a movie on the television

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He noticed y/n while she went to take the car keys from the table. He paused the movie and went up to her.

"Going somewhere?" He asked taking a glass to drink some water.
"Yeah my friend came back from London. He called me so we could meet so I'll be going." She said taking one last look in the mirror which was on the living's room wall.

Hyunjin just nodded.
"And I'll be back by 9 because i have to meet Felix too for some work."
She said leaving the house.

It was just now Hyunjin in the house. He sighed as he sat back on the couch.
"Guess she has a life." He said dozing off to sleep.

"Oh my God yeonjun." Y/n walked up to him and gave him a hug. He hugged her back and offered a chair to sit.
"How are you? Was the trip nice? You came back when?" She asked.
Yeonjun chuckled and said," calm down y/n." They both had a wholesome conversation after meeting each other.

It was now 8 and y/n was standing in front of her house. She entered the house and saw Hyunjin still in sleep on the couch.

"Hyunjin it's already 8, get up." She said placing her wallet and keys on the table. There was no response from Hyunjin. Y/n poured some food for kkami and Luna as they ate it and she went to take a shower and wear some comfy clothes.

She walked in the living room and still found Hyunjin sleep so she walked up to his and called out his name but he was still asleep. She could see Hyunjin sweating. She placed her hand on his forehead to check his temperature and it was hot.

"Oh my God you're sick!"

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