Chapter 17

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Hyunjin after some while went upstairs after giving both the pets some food. He opened the door to their shared bedroom and saw y/n working on her laptop. He quietly went and sat on his side of the bed.

He never realised when he slept while looking at his phone but around 1 am he woke up. He was changing sides when he noticed that y/n was still working on her laptop with her glasses on.

"Y/n?" He said in a sleepy voice.
"It's 1 am?"
"Oh yeah I'll sleep in a while don't worry, you should rest, you were sick a while back ."
"Hm" he hummed and rested his head on the pillow while his eyes looked on y/n.

It was now 3am and y/n just placed her laptop on the table as she stretched herself. As she came back to sleep on the bed she saw Hyunjin still wide awake looking at her.

"Hyunjin? You're still awake?" She asked entering the sheets as the room was now cold because of the air conditioner.
"Just" he said and closed his eyes.
"Good night y/n" he continued.
"Good night Hyunjin" she said to which Hyunjin responded with a smile with his eyes still closed.

Hyunjin got up and saw his side empty. He thought y/n might be getting ready untill he saw a message on his phone from y/n that she had to go early because of a meeting. He was kinda sad but continued his day anyway.

MR HWANG HYUNJIN" Y/n was shouting on top of voice while entering the house.
"What? Why are you shouting?" Hyunjin was standing on the stairs with a canvas in his hands which gave y/n a hint that he was drawing.

"Come downstairs" she said placing her laptop bag on the couch.
"Huh? Give me a minute" he said placing all the supplies in his hobby room. Yes there's a complete different room for Hyunjin to draw or paint.

"Here i am, now tell." He said
"The company has told to inform you that"
"A guy named Hwang Hyunjin can start his dance studio from the 1st of next month."
"That's cool. WAIT WHAT??!?!?!?!??"
Hyunjin had his mouth opened in shock while y/n just nodded.

Hyunjin didn't waste a single minute and gave y/n the tightest hug ever possible. His arms were wrapped around y/n's waist while his head resting on her shoulder.

Butterflies. That's all she could feel in her stomach. The arms around her waist made her feel safe. The head resting on her shoulder made her feel like someone could rely on her and the hands rubbing her back made her feel like she was home. The home she always missed.

"Thank you isn't enough y/n." Hyunjin said crying his eyes out.
They broke the hug and y/n rubbed hyunjin's tears with her thumb.
"Don't cry mhm? Your dreams are coming true." She said with a smile.

Hyunjin hugged her back and said what stopped the time for y/n.
"I love you. I love you so so so much." The tears still rolling out of Hyunjin's eyes.

they broke the hug again and hyunjin saw the confusion on y/n's face. He placed his hands on her shoulders.
"It's okay you don't have to respond but I've been holding it in me for a long time now. I just wanted to tell you. "
He now held y/n's hand and sat on the couch with y/n sitting in front of him.

"Since when?" She simply asked.
"I don't even remember at this point. I've been in love with you since the oldest memories i have of you. I used to love the fact that you were my best friend when we were kids. I loved going to parks with you and then when we started to grow old, i wanted to be the person you could run to whenever things went down but in high school we became more of enemies than best friend. But i was okay with it. I was okay with anything untill i got to stay beside you and that's when my feelings took over me. I wanted to shout to the world that i loved you but i was afraid. I wanted to tell you i want you to be with me but i ran. I ran so far that you became more distant. When i came back that's when i realised, I've lost you, forever. But then when you helped me again when i saw you again when i talked to you again i realised how much i was in love. Remember the day i came to your apartment for the keys, i wanted to hug you. I know it's been tough for you all these years and i wanted to just hold you in my arms and say i love you and i promise things will get better but i backed again. But not today love not today."
Y/n was literally in tears right now.
"Hyun" she said.
"Yes love?" He said
"I- I " she was speaking while crying.
"I get it y/n you can't reply to me right but I'll wait. I will always be here okay?" He said kissing the crying girl's forehead and getting up from the couch. That's when he felt a clip thrown at him from back.

He turned around and looked at y/n in a confused look holding the clip.
"Idiot listen to what I'm saying." She said walking to him holding his hands and placing his hands on her waist and her arms around his neck.

"It was hard all this time. I never knew when it started but everytime you weren't here with me i felt incomplete. You asked me right? The day it was raining and you didn't come home on time and i ran to you to hug you. The night i stayed beside you all the time because you were scared of the lighting and the boss issue. You asked why was i worried? I know now, i was falling, falling in love. It was so dark when you were abroad and when you came back I wanted to cry in your arms and tell you how hard it has been and how much I missed you. It's not only you, I'm in love too. I love you hyun." She said while Hyunjin was tearing up.

She slowly placed her lips on his lips. The butterflies were back in the stomach and the heart was beating like a maniac but it was this moment that they both ever waited for. This was the moment when their lives were now gonna change forever for the good.

This time they decided not to run and instead took the courage and let it all out.

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