Chapter 8

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"Here take these and change your clothes." Y/n handed Hyunjin him his clothes.
Hyunjin nodded and went to change the clothes. After changing he came to the living room with water dripping from his hair as they were still wet because of the rain.

Y/n sighed as she took a towel and asked Hyunjin to sit down on the couch. She went up to him and started massaging his hair with the towel to dry them. Hyunjin was so nervous right now. His heart was beating really fast.

"So Mr. Hwang would you like to explain where have you been?" She asked still drying those locks.
"I- I went to buy some snacks."
Hyunjin answered.
Y/n put the towel on the side and sat beside him.
"Snacks?" She asked.
"Yes there was a news that the thunderstorm would last for atleast 2 days so i needed to stock up for us." He said slowly looking at y/n.
"You could've informed me." Y/n said as she got up from the couch and went to the kitchen to heat some food for Hyunjin.

Hyunjin followed her to the kitchen.
"Why? You were worried about me?" He asked with curious eyes.
Y/n did not answer and placed the heated food on a plate.
"Here have some you might be hungry." She said.
Hyunjin took the plate from her and sat at the table to have the pasta she reheated.

"You can have your food, I'll be giving kkami some food and going to sleep." Y/n said disappearing from his sight.

She entered her room as she took a deep breath.
"This man really doesn't care about himself huh. I'm so mad him. How can someone go and buy snacks at a time like this. Snacks? Seriously hyun? Oh my god." She said as she was ranting to kkami.

Meanwhile Hyunjin just had his meal and was heading towards his room when a huge sound of lightning was heard. Hyunjin flinched.
"How am i going to survive this night." He said worried. He had a trauma about lighting. Ironic for someone who just went to buy snacks in the heavy rain. But while he was out it only rained and there was no lighting.

Y/n was sleeping with kkami in her arms when she heard knocks on her room. She went to the door and opened it.
"Hyunjin?" She said with kkami in her arms.
"Y-Y/n can i stay here for a w-while?" Hyunjin said stuttering.
"Hey are you okay? Is it because of lightning?" Y/n knew about his trauma as she has been with him since forever and this was definitely not the first time.

"Hyunjin come on in." She said and placed him on her bed and offered him a glass of water.
"Don't be scared Hyun I'm here, kkami's here, nobody's gonna hurt you hm?" She said while slowly patting his head. He immediately hugged and started crying.

"I hate being like this. I hate b-being scared." He said with hiccups.
Y/n hugged him back as she slowly rubbed his back.
"Shh hyunjin, let's lie down and try to sleep."

Hyunjin laid on the bed but he was still shivering whenever he heard a lighting strike.
Y/n turned towards him.
"Can i hug you please?" He asked.

Y/n opened her arms signalling hyunjin a yes. He was now hugging her so tightly like his whole life depended on her. Y/n was massaging his scalp to calm him down. Both of them had their eyes closed as they were trying to sleep.

Funny how none of them realised how close they were to each other. They both were each other's comfort zone and a place which was safe from all the evils of the world.

The night was long but it passed. In the morning the sky was still cloudy and there were drizzles. The sky looked as it would rain again shortly.

Hyunjin slowly opened his eyes but he soon realised that two arms wrapped his body hugging him to a warmer body, a safe place. He saw y/n sleeping next to him with a calm peaceful face.

Hyunjin was admiring her beauty untill she slowly opened her eyes. It was now that she realised how close she was to Hyunjin.

She unwrapped her arms from around him but Hyunjin soon grabbed her arms and pulled her closer.

"Good Morning y/n" he said.
"G-Good morning." Y/n answered back.
"You still haven't answered my question." Hyunjin said with a soft smile while y/n had a confused look.

"Huh what question?"
"Were you worried?"
There was a silence untill kkami placed himself between both of them.
"Not now kkami." Hyunjin said with an annoyed face.

Y/n just saw the chance and decided to get up and freshen up. She went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

"Y/n so you like him huh?" She looked in her reflection and got ready to start the day

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