chapter 18 (final)

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6 months, it's been 6 whole months since the love birds have confessed.

"Good morning love" Hyunjin said in a sleepy voice to the girl who was resting her head on his arm while her hands around his waist.
"Good morning Hyunnie" y/n said, eyes still closed.

"Somebody's still tired from the last night huh" hyunjin said tightening his grip around the girl while teasing her.
"Oh you're tired, you should rest babe." She said chuckling.

Hyunjin made a pout and started tickling y/n.
"Aghh stop Hyun, hahahah stopppp."
"Don't dare mock me againnn" he said giggling.

The room that once was filled with awkward talks and silent company was now filled with love and giggles.
In these 6 months, hyunjin has successfully started his dance studio and already had 100 students while y/n is now the CEO of stay enterprises.

"Hyun c'mon let's get up, we have to go work." Y/n said standing up but Hyunjin grabbed his wrist and pulled her back into his arms.

"I had to wait years to be your man, your work can wait for five minutes." Hyunjin said cuddling y/n.
"I'm so glad that it worked out." Y/n said admiring the beautiful face that laid next to her giving a small peck.

Both of them were now having breakfast when y/n got a call. She attended the call and returned to the table.
"Babe i have a meeting with Felix about the new project. I gotta go. See you at work." She said grabbing her stuff as she walked up to the door.

Hyunjin followed her to the door.
"Don't overwork and remember to take meals on time okay?" Hyunjin said with a smile.
Y/n gave him a hug and a small peck.
"See you at work. I love you hyunnie."
"I love you more babe." He replied waving at her.

"Y/n the meeting went so well." Felix said to y/n.
"I know right, this deal will be ours." She said with a confident face.
"Lix, where's Lee know though?"
"Oh he might be in your office."
"Okay see you later lix."
"Bye y/nieee"

"Lee Knowwwww" y/n said walking to her office searching for her secretary.
"Yes?" He said with a face that trying to hide his smile.
"Somebody's back from his honeymoon and can't hide his happiness huh." She teased him.

She chuckled but suddenly felt dizzy and lost balance but somehow managed not to fall.
"Hey y/n are you okay?" Lee Know walked up to her as he supported her so she could stand.
"Yeah i think it might be the stress." She said.
"You're already done with today's major meeting. I think you should cancel other meetings for today." Lee Know said in a very serious tone.
"Health first Y/n."
"Maybe you're right."

Y/n opened the door to her house and she sat on the couch.
"Hyun might be at work." She said closing her eyes when suddenly kkami and luna started licking y/n and also giving her a lot of attention and love.

"I know that kkami's clingy with me but what's up with Luna today." She said suspiciously and then got up again to eat something but felt dizzy again.

"Agh i should take some medicine." She said opening her purse when she noticed a sanitary napkin that she had kept there in case she gets her period.
" period...... when was the last time." She opened her phone to check the period tracker.
"It's been two months?"

"Thank you ma'am." Y/n said to the lady at the counter as she held the package she just bought from the convience store.

She hurriedly took the test and it was what she thought it was. Tears rolled down her cheek as she was so happy.

It was now 5 pm. Hyunjin came to know from Lee Know that y/n went home early because she was unwell so he was really worried and decided to come home early as well.

"Love?" He said entering the house.
"You're back?" A voice answered from the kitchen.

Hyunjin walked up to the kitchen and saw y/n making some food. He went up to hug and wrapped his arms around his waist giving her a back hug.

"Lee Know told me that you were not well. How are you now?" He said placing his head on her shoulder.

"I'm all good hyun, don't worry." She said with a smile. She then slowly walked to the living room while Hyunjin still had his arms around her following her on her way.

She stopped in front of the couch and held hyunjin's hands and turned around.
"Babe i love you." She said and pecked on his lips.
"I love you more love." He said.

She pecked again.
"This is because today was long day."
She pecked again.
"This is because good days are coming."
And she pecked again
"And this one because I've waited for this my whole life."

Hyunjin knew something was up but he thought it would be best not to spoil the moment so he turned those pecks into a long passionate kiss.

His placed his arms around her waist as she placed her arms around his shoulders and he pulled her in while placing his soft plumpy lips on hers.

They both had dinner and now they were laying on the bed after taking a bath. Hyunjin was on his phone while y/n rested her head on hyunjin's arm and her arms around his chest holding him like her whole life depended on him.

"I- something happened today."
"What happened?"

Y/n got up and sat on the bed and noticing that Hyunjin also sat up and faced her thinking something serious was up.

Y/n grabbed one of Hyunjin's hand and slowly placed it on her stomach.
"Period cramps?" He said knowing how bad her cramps can get.

She just shook her head in a no.

"God gifted us a special gift. A perfect blend of you and me is now going to grow in me and we'll have them in our arms soon. Then we'll watch them grow in a beautiful person and-" she broke down while speaking.

Hyunjin was now tearing up knowing that y/n is now pregnant with his child.
"Our baby? Our own? We both them?" Hyunjin said while y/n nodded excitedly.

Hyunjin just pulled in y/n for a hug and both started to tear up.
"We've never had a complete family because of our fathers but i promise our baby will have the perfect grandmothers and were understanding and loving parents . I'd give anything and everything to them. I can't tell you how happy i am right now love." He said tightening the hug.

"I love you Hyun."
"I love you more babe ."

Author's note:
I tried my best to end it beautifully. I hope you liked the series and enjoyed reading it. Thank you once again.

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