Chapter 11

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The sun rays entered the room and left a soft touch on y/n's face who was sleeping. Kkami and Luna were also beside her. It was calm and peaceful. The phone and that woke y/n up. She rubbed her eyes and picked up the call.

"I know it's Sunday but would you mind going for a brunch?"
"Yeah so?"
"Okay I'll be there."
She cut the call and freshened up.

"It's going to be only lix so let's keep it casual." She said and wore a black jean with a white top.

" She said and wore a black jean with a white top

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*At the cafe*
"Good morning Lix." Y/n said with a cheerful smile as she sat in front of Felix.
"Good morning Y/n" he said while ordering some food.
"So this sudden plan for?"
She asked starting the conversation.
"Umm you know about the dance academy?" Felix said and y/n nodded she knew where this was going.
"I know Lix."
"Y/n I'm sorry i really didn't know Hyunjin was also a part of them."

Yes after Hyunjin left Felix saw you getting down and lost and so he dug out from Lee know and y/n what's up with the situation.

"It's okay Lix, they're just a client, let's treat them like one." Y/n said with a fake smile grabbing a cookie while Felix nodded.

On the other hand Hyunjin was on board with his team.
"Hyunjin you can't do anything without asking me." His boss said with a firm tone and went to business class to have his seat while Hyunjin and the team was in economy class.
Hyunjin sighed as he sat. His friend sat beside him.

"Hyunjin you should really speak up to him, he treats you like you're nothing but-"
Hyunjin cut him off and said,
"It's a matter of few days only, leave him." He closed his eyes and rested his head.

His mind was full of memories. He remembered the time when y/n lived with him. Even though it was not for a long period but he still remembers every single detail. The day it was raining and how she just ran into his arms. The day he was scared so she became a safe place for him but he hated himself. He hated for never having enough courage to confess. He hated the fact that he just ran away. Hyunjin's mom would often visit him and tell him about y/n's situation and he would feel sorry.

He never knew y/n's mental health went bad because he went away. He always thought it was life that made her stressed and anxious. Only if he knew the real reason he would have felt every single thing and come running to her.

"Y/n?" Lee Know called her name as she was sitting in her office. She flinched as she regained her senses.
"You've been working so much these days, you should rest." He said arranging some files.

"I- you know Lee that I don't want everyone to say i got this position as a charity instead i want to justify that I'm fit for-"
"I know y/nie but you should atleast rest on Sundays." Lee Know said as y/n looked out of windows.
"By the way y/n, my gf invited you for dinner." Lee Know said sitting on a chair.

Y/n's eyes sparkled," I WILL BE THERE."
Lee Know chuckled," see you there." And he went out.

Y/n was still in the office building but it was not how it usually is. Usually the office is very noisy and chaotic but on Sundays it was calm and so peaceful.

She went up to the terrace and laid down on a bench there looking at the bright blue sky with clouds in it.

"How are you Hyunjin? Are you still afraid of lightning? Do you still react dramatically to everything? Do you still get jealous seeing kkami with anyone else? But most importantly do you even miss me?"

Y/n sighed and closed her eyes.
"Damn y/n it's been years just move on, he might already have a girlfriend or a wife." She said to herself.

The flight landed and Hyunjin instead of going to the hotel went to his house but it was locked so he called his mum.
"Mom can you come home early? I'm here?"
"Hyun honey you're in korea? Oh my god I'll be here in korea in a week so-"
"Mommmmm" he whined like a baby.
His mom told him about everything that's happening and also told that the only spare key is with y/n who's right now living in a seperate apartment.
She told her address but Hyunjin was hesitant to go there.

Y/n was feeding kkami and Luna their meals when she heard her door bell ring. She cleaned her hands and went to open the door. Her eyes were not soft anymore, instead they were cold, full of questions, hurt and pain.

"Hyunjin?" She said in a cold tone. It felt like it was a totally different person.
"H-Hi y/n." He said awkwardly.
Y/n just signalled him to come in as she realised that he might be here for the key.

As soon as Hyunjin entered, kkami ran to him and Hyunjin picked him up and sat on the chair. A teardrop fell from his eye.
"I missed you kkamiii." He started babying him.

"Here" y/n sat beside him offering water and the key.
"Thank you." He said with a soft smile letting kkami go.
Kkami ran towards y/n and then went to play with Luna.

"He still loves you more." Hyunjin said breaking the ice.
"Because i never left." Y/n said zoning out as she was staring at nothing.
Hyunjin looked down and took the key and stood up.

"I'll get going then." He said while y/n just hummed .

As soon as the left y/n broke down on the floor.
"I- I- why am i like this?" She couldn't even speak.
"I missed you so much, I- I waited all these years to see you for a second and as soon as you were here, I- I became someone else. I wanted to hug you, tell you everything that happened, complain about things you did but most importantly tell you I love you."

Hyunjin on the other hand was standing in the elevator feeling his heart shattering.
"I missed you y/n. Things changed. Your face looked like it's been tough for you. Wish i could just hug you. Just once." He said while tears rolled down his cheek.

They thought that destiny has already finished their stories but who knew a new chapter was about to start.

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