Chapter 1 - One foot in hell and the other in Remnant

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Phantom Pov

I was inside of a IMC base trying to find an HVT to terminate due to a contract. Once i found the HVT he tried his best to kill me but before he could even shoot me i blew his brains on the wall of the office.

Phantom: Monarch here, mission success. Payment?

Client: You can get it once you are in hell. I must say you were very helpfull. Goodbye Phantom.

Thats when i looked outside and the Militia was doing an orbital Bombardment. I had to get out of here and now

Phantom: Ethan get the Widow ready we're leaving this place now.

Ethan: Understood pilot.

As i was using stim to run towards the LZ i see everyone running ignoring me. I see Ethan coming in and i jumped inside and ran to the cockpit.

Phantom: Here we go!

We had to do an unprepared FTL jump which did not ended up well.

Ethan: Pilot be advises we're going to crash. I suggest we jump out.

I grabbed a chip with a lot of unfinished prototypes for Ethan's AI. Once i grabbed them i jumped in the chasis.

Phantom: Our chances of survival?

Ethan: 0% if we stay here.

Phantom: chances of survivla if we jump?

Etban 1%

Phantom: This is gonna hurt.

Ethan: Agreed, Pilot.

Timeskip by author putting in hold the gears of ear x rwby book due to no idea what to do in it. (If you speak spanish and readed that book im sorry :c)

I woke up with a headache.

Ethan: Administrating morphine. Standby....Morphine administrated, you awake pilot?

Phantom: Yeah, Status?

Ethan: Systems are malfunctioning. Need to reform them. And re-establish link again.

Phantom: Make it quick.

We heard voices coming from the bushes

?: Woah, look at that! It looks cool!

??: Would you look at that we found a Paladin, hey Ice queen what can you tell us about this one?

Ice queen?: I dont know i never seen this model.

???: We're gonna need more bullheads for this one.

Phantom: 'Ethan on my mark open the hatch'

Ethan: 'Undestrood'

I activated my upgraded camo

Phantom: 'Now'

The hatch opened and the girls got prepared for contact but nothing was inside...

Everybody went close but white. She was looking around in case of ambush


Red, black and yellow turns and sees a man in black armor with red visor aiming a pistol at their friend.

Phantom: I got questions, nobody has to die and im sure as hell dont want to shoot this kid. Okay?

Red: Okay...what do you want to know?

Phantom: What planet is this?

Yellow: Thats a dumb ques-

I put the gun closer to white's head

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