Chapter 10 | Professional Execution

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Jack's POV

We're inside the Goblin closing in to Vale and preparing for drop, so I decided to say a few things.

Jack: Alright people, the main mission is to save as many civvies as you can, Grimm are secondary but once evac is complete raise some hell.

Sicario Pilot: What about the IMC?

Jack: Kill them in a very horrible way. Everyone knows what to do?!

Sicario Troops: Hoorah!

Jack: Everyone remembers the training?!

ST: Hoorah!

Jack: Then let's get to business!

And just on cue the goblin's gates opened and all of us jumped out for the hunt.

Just as I landed, I watched my surroundings and saw a lot of Grimm spreaded out and Delta was rescuing the civvies while I decided to hunt a bit.

I ran to a place with a higher amount of grimm and used my jumpkit to wall run and shoot while going around, I saw a few civs stuck in a building with Beowulfs coming in so I jumped in the window and fell on top of one stabbing it on the chest, the next one came about to attack me but went below it's left arm and shoot the Beowulf behind it, then I kicked the other Beowulf on the leg making it fall and then shoot it's face.

Afterwards I went to the civilians and got them out earning a "thank you" from them.

Sicario Marine [R]: We've got multiple aerial Grimm! We need back up!

Diplomat [R]: Hitman team on station. Let's give 'em hell.

And when I got out, I saw the Hitman team using modified MLAAs to hit the Nevermores.

Jack: Fuck yeah!

I kept looking around and killing Grimm 'till I got to the center of the Town and saw a Huntsmen-In-Training team beating the shit out of Grimm... Hold on, isn't that team CFVY?

Jack: They're here too...

Just as I said that I saw Coco kick the Beowulf's balls... Do they even have balls?

Jack: Yup, I'm not looking anymore.

I went to look at my surroundings and saw that Vale is cleared. However I saw some Atlas Soldiers arresting a Soldier.. The same IMC Pilot from that night.

The other Sicario troops saw him and 2 of them stepped in front of the Atlas Soldiers.

Sicario Marine: Sorry guys, but our Captain would like to have a word with him.

Before the Atlas soldiers could even say a word a Punch went to the Prisoner's face dropping him a few meters away.

Jack: You know...? I've been looking forward to this day.

The Atlas soldiers tried to reach me so I couldn't hurt the prisoner but the Marines aimed their guns at them.

Sicario Marine: Sorry, we can't let you do this.

After a few seconds, Ironwood arrived, followed by more Atlas soldiers AK's and with Team RWBY along, came and saw the Sicario aiming at the Atlas soldiers.

Ironwood: What is happening here?

???: Your men tried to avoid Phantom's vengeance.

Ironwood looked at his left and saw Kaiser.

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