Chapter 5 - Theron Elites, Back up and Birthday.

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Hello - speaking

'Huh' - thought

Seeker come out - communication with Ethan or Seeker.

The fuck - flashback

Hey - voice modifier

Juliet copies all - radio chatter


As we were walking towarda Beacon i felt we were being watched. I stopped on my tracks and everyone noticed this.

Weiss: Phantom, what's wrong?

Jack: When the night comes. How do we return home?

???: By midnight's light.

Everybody tensed up and pulled out their weapons. From multiple areas, 3 soldiers with black armor and red higlights came out of the shadows.

(How the Sicario Theron Elite Marines look like)

(The Squad Leader Theron is the one with the radio pack

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(The Squad Leader Theron is the one with the radio pack. The other without it are Theron Elites)

???: It's good to see you again, Phantom.

Jack: Likewise Hawkeye.

Hawkeye: Hey that blonde looks like you know who.

Jack: I'll tell you later. How many Therons beside you 3.

Theron Elite Marine Male 1: Only us, Sir.

Theron Elite Marine Female 1: That and our Globin ship fully blew up leaving nothing behind.

Jack: ID you two.

TEM 1: Lance Corporal Wesson, Sir.

TEF 1: Private First Class Smith, Sir.

Jack: You 3 are stuck with me until back up arrives. Follow each order to the letter, understood?

Therons: Yes, Sir.

Hawkeye: What are your orders, Phantom.

Jack: Come with us.

They started following us and Weiss asked.

Weiss: So.. "Sir"? Are you a high ranking officer?

Jack: Lieutenant, i was in my last mission as an LT before reporting for a promotion to Captain.

Ruby: Nice.

Jack: Yup.

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