Chapter 17 | Near breaking point

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[This is the terrain of kings] - Crimson speaking

{I haven't slept in a day...} - Cunt speaking

-Somewhere in Nevada I mean Amity Security room-

We see a Sicario Theron Marine sitting on the chair checking the cameras with his legs on the table and arms behind his head. He then picked up his radio saying the next words.

Sicario Theron Marine E8: (Radio) Sector 1. Check in, over.

Sicario Marine 1: Clear.

SM 2: Clear.

SM 3: Clear.

Like that he started checking in the Emerald Forest Sector

STM E8: (Changes the frequency to the next sector) Sector 2. Check in.

SM 4: Clear.

SM 5: Clear.

SM 6: COS. We got something. over.

STM (Radio) : (changing his posture to a normal sitting one replying) Send traffic, Over.

SM 6: A pale woman... She wears black, white hood and has black hair with red tips.

STM (Radio): (Typing stuff in the computer) I found something... Shit, I've got to inform Phantom. What's her status?

SM 6: Injured. Blood almost everywhere on her body. Medic says she's alive and he's treating her right now. Over

STM E8 (Radio): Understood, I'll be sending a Goblin to pick you guys up. Out. (Types a few things on the computer then changes frequency) Command this is COS, I've got traffic. Over.

Command: Send Traffic. Over.

STM E8 (Radio): Sector 2 Unit 6 reported finding a woman injured. They are requesting medical assistance ASAP. Over.

Command: Understood, Sending Goblin callsign "Omega 1". How copy? Over.

STM E8 (Radio): Solid, I'll be telling 'em. Out. (Changes frequency back to Sector 2) Be advised, Unit 6. Goblin has been dispatched to your location with the callsign of "Omega 1". How copy? Over.

SM 6: Understood, COS. We'll be waiting, over.

STM E8: (turns off the radio) If this is who I think it is. Then red riding hood will be happy.

-With RWBY, Connor and Jack-

In the Amity Colosseum we see people cheering for the next round while RWBYJ get the front rows watching the ones to be chosen for it. Those being Coco and Yatsuhashi and some students from Atlas

[Remember that Cinder died so]

Port: (Over the broadcaster speaker) And now ladies and gentlemen it's time for Coco Adel and Yatsuhashi Daichi from Beacon against Cobalt Frost and Ivory Lace from Atlas.

Ivory Lace weapons were a spear that could transform into a sniper. She had a military belt with a white uniform like Winter. Just less formal and had a small white pauldron. Her hair was white and honey colored eyes.

Cobalt for the other part had blue hair with white tips and his eyes were blue from the right one and white from the left one. His uniform consisted of a blue long jacket and jeans with knee pads. His weapon of choice is a sword that could transform into a shotgun.

Now for their semblances... Ivory can augment her strength for 10 seconds in a penalty, losing 3% of aura. The amount of time she can use it is 1 per 20 seconds until her aura depletes. Cobalt for the other part can see behind walls for 10 seconds until his aura starts depleting.

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