Chapter 18 | War

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With the Atlesian student arrested by the Sicario Corps. The Atlesians are asking for them to hand him over. However, the Sicario are denying the request since he not only attacked students from other schools but nearly attacked Sicario forces.

Jack's POV

I'm in the hospital with my sister's team waiting on the nurse to allow us to visit her. After some while the nurse arrived and allowed us to go in.

Once inside. We talked to Weiss about what happened and that Atlas Kingdom is starting to show disgust towards Sicario.

Blake: If things continue to be like this...

Jack: The Vytal Tournament will have to be canceled and there would be a blue on green.

Weiss: If that happens... Is Sicario going to prevent my father from taking me?

Jack: I can't guarantee that.

Ruby: What does blue on green mean?

Jack: (Turns to Ruby) Friendly forces fighting Neutral forces.

Jack then started walking outside.

Yang: (looks at Jack) Where are you going?

Jack: With Uncle Arnold, got to ask him what we do now.

Blake approached him, kissing him on the cheek and telling him "good luck and take care".

While Jack was walking on his way to Sicario HQ he was thinking something VERY important.

Jack: 'If physical energy was thermal energy... How hard would I have to punch a chicken to cook it?'

*Meanwhile. In another universe*

Alex: (Holding a chicken by the neck) Cross, you ready?

Cross: ...What are you trying to do?

Alex: Cook the chicken with these gloves that somehow transform physical energy to thermal energy.

Cross: But physical energy always equals thermal energy? Like, why do you need gloves for that?

Alex: Do I have the looks of a scientist? Fuck no I failed chemistry 6 times and I still succeed in life.

Cross: Yeah I didn't exactly pass either, and it's physics you idiot. Anyway, yeah I'm ready.

Alex: Yuuuuuuuuuuuuup. Give your best shot. (holds chicken away from his body for "safety") This is gonna hurt even behind a wall.

Cross: Aww don't worry, I'll be gentle~

Alex: (Looks worried at Cross) What did you s- (gets interrupted by the punch at the chicken)

A lot of shit happened at that moment...

Yes, the chicken was tasty, if not a little overcooked and mushy.

*Back to our universe*

Jack: '...Meh.'

Anyways, as he was walking he noticed something right before he got out. There were Atlas soldiers outside.

Jack: 'They are waiting for me? Huh, gotta hack the Atlas Comms. Ethan, hack the ATLAS COMMS and tell me their orders.'

Ethan [Neuronal Link Comms]: They have been given the order to capture or kill you.

Jack [NLC]: Copy that. Relay information to Assassin-1. I'm killing these guys.

I decided to jump on them from above so I walked to the next floor and when I got a view of the window right above them I started sprinting and jumped out of the window.

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