Chapter 8 | Declaration

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New op^

1st person (As always)

It's been a few days since Sicario arrived at Remnant, they already got a contract with Vale Council and they became the new security for Vytal Festival. Got to say that Ironwood did not like that.

Anyways, now I'm walking around the campus while the students are in class and since I'm FUCKING BORED, I decided to grab a random chicken and call it Alfredo.

Jack: Alfredo, where to now?

Alfredo has chosen the combat classroom.

Jack: Aight.

Once we arrived at the classroom we saw a gray haired guy put up his hand and wanted to fight Pyrrah but...

Jack: Hello there.

Glynda: Hello Mr. Phantom, what brings you here?

Jack: Well my new chicken decided to come to the combat classroom and I decided "why not take part or let my chicken fight"

Glynda: Mr. Phantom, I doubt that a chicken is allowed to fight.

Jack: This ain't no normal chicken.

And just when I said that, Alfredo started to glow and when it stopped, Alfredo had armor with a Gatling gun on his back.

Random Student 1: Nice cock, bro.

Jack: I knew I shouldn't have stolen that chicken from that afghan looking dude.

Glynda: I don't know what to say...

Jack: Let him fight, Alfredo go make some of them your [BEEP]

Ruby (Off-screen): What was that beep?

Jaune (OS): No idea.

Once Alfredo was in the arena the gray haired boy with the face of "What the fuck" they were preparing to begin.

Once the countdown hit 0 the Gray haired boy started to rush B like a fucking Russian but my cock decided "Fuck you" and pew him with the gatling gun fucking him up in 3 seconds.

Jack: Short fight, now I can say my [BEEP] is better than yours.

GHB(itch): *Groans*

Glynda: Can his teammates come and take him to the infirmary, please?

*2013 fox noises* (Idea by Editor -C)

As the bell rang everyone started to leave and I grabbed Alfredo and right before I left I looked at team RW_Y who was worried about Blake who had eye bags, so I decided to ask Ruby what was wrong.

Jack: What's with Blake?

Ruby: She's been constantly working by her own trying to find clues about the WF and Torchwick.

Jack: Hmm... Tried to convince her?

Weiss: That's what we are going to do, talk to her in the dorm. Want to come?

R__Y+Me were looking at her shocked.

Weiss: What? I can be nice too.

Jack: Very unlikely.

RY: Agreed.

Weiss: HMPF!


*Timeskip brought to you by Bloopers*

*Timeskip brought to you by Bloopers*

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