The Thief, The Pilot, The Mission 2/2

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AN: Before starting I want you guys to know that Me and Cross decided to make a discord channel for both spanish and english readers, that and the rest of the week will be free since there's a problem in the school so...

Time to work.

Discord: (It's permanent)


Ruby Pov

It was the first time I've seen Jack act like that, so angry, so violent... Hopefully he's okay.


Jack Pov

I used the Krylls to look around for anything that has to do with the fucker, I've lost the amount of time I spent out here, but for what I can tell it's that the sun is rising.

Jack: Guess I will have to stop looking... For now.

After that I went to head back to the hangar, once there, the Krylls dispersed and the smokey thing got together revealing me in my armor.

(Like Delsin when using the Smoke dash ability, dunno actual name)

From there I headed towards my bed and ignored what looked like a person below the sheets and layed down...

Jack: Take me sweet de- dreams I mean

Timeskip I'm unstoppable, bitch.

I woke up by the sound of a cat purring and my hand between cat ears, and when I open my eyes I see a Belladonna sleeping on me in her pajamas while I don't have a shirt.

Jack: One of these days, I will wake up by either her giving me a blowjob or me none of us without clothes...

And with that Blake opens her eyes and sees me awake.

Blake: Had a good sleep~? *Purr*

then she licked my cheek

Jack: Why'd you do that? Don't cats do these types of things when they are in heat?

Blake: Well, I forgot to tell you that...

Jack: That...?

Blake: I'm in heat, and I need you...

Jack: Huh, losing virginity to a cat girl... Okay.

After the in and out (I'm not making lemons, remember I died of cringe last chapter and don't want to do a lemon yet...)

I'm now all sweaty, now with changed clothes, yes I took a bath if you ask and watching a Blake trying to recover consciousness with my maybe-not-holy semen dripping out of her vagina... (sounds weird typing these type of things)

Blake right now is with an ahegao face... Yes that one with the purple looking image of her with an ahegao face, cslucaris I think was the name of the author.

(AN: Stop breaking 4th wall, Jackass)

Sorry... Anyway I'm in casual clothes with a mask.

 Anyway I'm in casual clothes with a mask

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