Chapter 3 - What The Fuck? + 100 reads

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AN: Before anything i just got an a "test subject power" like Seeker in Jack's mind.
However that will come when *Big as fuck spolier censor* so anyways. Let us begin

Also op end at 1:11


Location: Beacon - Team RWBY's dorm.
2nd Pov

It was morning, i was still in bed sleeping. I moved my hand to the left and i heard a "nya" in a very hot voice. I opened my eyes and saw my HAND on Blake's left boob and she was looking at me with an angry face? Disgusted? Dunno.

Jack (W): Sorry about that, it was an accident.

Blake (W): ...Alright, but you owe me...

Jack (W): Okay. Let me get up

Timeskip to classroom with Port.

We were in history with Oobleck. Guy speaks as fast as a Pilot i once met. He name was Miller, british, speaks as if he had a stick in his ass. (Arma 3)

Anyways he was speaking about storiea of great war of a giant "golem" with extremely advanced weaponry. He showed us a drawing and when i got a better look at was a fucking Vanguard.

How the fuck a Vanguard was here? Who knows, but now. Gotta focus. Bell rang, i got up and started moved and bumped onyo a guy with brown hair.

Jack: Sorry lad.

???: Better be.

I looked at him with the "oh you're that type" face...well he couldnt see my face since i had my gear. One of the conditions that i will give a dlashback later

(AN: sometimes i forget to add things like this :P)

Anyway he noticed i was glaring at him.

???: What you looking at tinman?

Jack: A very punchable face.

???: Wh-
I interrupted him with a bitch slap with my grapple.

(AN: I just remembered the incorrect summary of dmc5 by Max0r when Nero stops vergil and Dante from killing each other and talking about love then bitch slaps dante for interrupting)

Like that i left him there and went to the cafe. Once i reached there i saw a team i haven't met, CFVY i think it was the name.

Jack: Yo.

RWBY+JNPR: Hey Phantom.

???: Man that clothing looks so out of date.

Jack: First. [BEEP] fashionista. I can even smell you're one.

Jaune: Did anyone else heard a beep?
Jaune was ignored by that.

Coco: Anyways, im Coco Adel. Nice to meet you, Phantom.

Fox: Fox Alistair, Nice to see you in person.

Jack: Your blind, right?

Fox: Yup.

Velvet: Velvet Scarlatina, nice to meet you....

Yatsuhashi: Yatsuhashi Daichi pleasure to meet you.

Jack: Likewise. Call me Phantom or Crimson. Don't care.

Coco: Crimson?

Jack: I was nicknamed "The Crimson King" from where i come from. But Crimson is mainly for my eyes. 'Not going to say that my left eye is Crimson Silver.'

Velvet: Can i take a picture to your weapons?

Jack: No. And if you do, goodbye camera. ya doing?

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