Chapter 20 | Fall

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-Somewhere in Mistral- {You mean Nevada?} [Twat]

in a village that was destroyed with civilians dead on the floor and more lined up about to be executed by white armored soldiers as multiple mechs walked around.

Inside of a house, 2 men were sitting with guards around a table.

???: So you mean to tell me... That the Zeus division fell by just 4 teenagers and the Subject?

Arthur: I don't know what the Zeus division is but if by Subject you refer to... (pulls out a photo and drags it to the other man) him, then yes. It was them.

The man looked at the photo, and as we looked further to his armor it said "Commander Stall."

Stall: ...Do we know where he is?

Arthur: Somewhere around the continent of Anima on his way to Vale with multiple frigates, they assaulted Atlas a day ago and they are returning home. If you're fast you could attack them.

Stall: What do you gain from this?

Arthur: It's not me... We, Commander. We gain a relic that's inside the huntsmen and huntresses academy. Something you wouldn't believe.

Stall: Fine, I'll send Squad Delta-6. They are the best pilots with Titans with the designs of the Vanguard of the Militia.

Arthur: Good.

-Meanwhile with Jack-

Jack was walking around and went to the locker room, once he got inside he looked at the roof and saw...

3 Sicario Pilots drinking vodka upside down? {Peak Ruski behavior} [CHEEKY BREEKI]

Sicario Pilot: Private, Tovarich.

Jack: ...I don't know whether to be surprised, ignore you or shoot you with an airsoft gun.

Sicario Pilot 2: Don't worry Tovarich, everything's fiiiiiine.

Jack decided to ignore them and headed to the bridge, until...


Parts of the ship started blowing up and shaking around, he went to the nearest sealed window and looked at what he last expected. IMC Ships.

SMS Captain: All hands, to battle stations, Pilots and Marines, prepare to board the enemy ships.

Jack: ...Fuck!

As Jack started moving to find his titan, he saw as crewmen and Marines were moving around trying to make it to their stations, but with the amount of explosions some of them got unlucky and perished to them.

Once he got to the hangar he saw everyone was moving up and saw his titan running to him.

Ethan: GET IN, QUICK! (He screamed as he opened the door for Jack to come in)

Once he got inside, both of them ran towards the Widow to get ready.

After everyone was positioned, the doors opened and they were welcomed by a thunder of bullets and missiles.

Jack: (Through the PA system of the Titan talking to the airman) Get us the fuck out of here!

Sicario Airman: Yes, sir!

The widow followed by 7 goblins (out of 12) and 1 widow (Out of 6) went for the nearest enemy ship as they were being shot by everything. receiving covering fire from Jets and Hitman team. However the nearest ship to them was...

The IMC flagship.

Jack: How close are we to the ship? (He asked to the Airman through the radio)

Airman: 107 seconds.

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