Chapter 4 - Meeting a General and Hello Aura

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Hello - speaking

'Huh' - thought

Seeker come out - communication with Ethan or Seeker.

The fuck - flashback

Hey - voice modifier

Juliet copies all - radio chatter


I was in the cafeteria with team RWBY and JNPR. I was ignoring everyrhing they said since i was checking something on my scroll. It has been like that and just when i decided to pay attention, Nora threw a pie to Weiss's face

Jack: Oh shit.

Random student: FOOD FIGHT!

Jack: Im out of here.

Nora: No, you're not! You're our prisoner. PYRRAH GET HIM!

Pyrrah used her semblance on me and they tied me.

Jack: Aww (:c)

(Stop at 4:24)

Ruby: Where's Yang?

We hear a screaming Yang falling from the sky.

Jack: Well.......fuck me

Yang fell on me cracking 3 ribs.

Jack: I think i became a rock after traveling at mach 1 speed.-i said in a hurted tone.

Yang: Oh! Jack im sorry!

Jack: You're fine. But my ribs aren't

Nora: Why didn't you used your aura? Dummy.

Jack: The fuck is aura?

Everyone but Yang, Ruby and Blake looked at me shocked.

Yang: Forgot that you guys dont have that from where you are

3 minutes timeskip of what is aura and semblance.

Jack: Ooh.

Yang: Speaking of which let me help you with the aura.

Jack: Doesn't it affect the person unlocking it something

Yang: It takes a lot of our aura and those nearby you looking at you will see part of your past.

(AN: Aint cannon i know but its cool, got the idea from a Halo x RWBY fanfic that stopped making chapters long time ago)

Jack: Well JNPR and Ruby look away cuz i dont want you to know stuff about me and Ruby dowsnt want to be traumatized for certain stuff.

It was too late Yang had already begone unlocking my aura and once she did i felt everyone but Ruby in my head going through my memories...they watched me as a kid, me as a test subject, me as a murderer and me as a merc..

Once they unlocked my aura everyonr looked at me with sympathetic faces or shocked faces. Ruby was there with the face of "what happened".

And then out of everyone i expected Weiss hugged me. Then Blake, Yang and JNPR and Ruby was with "what the fuck" face.

Yang starting to tear up: They did....all of you?

Jack: Yeah.....they did..

Weiss: That is so cruel.....

Jack: I still need to find the head scientist of that. And i will make sure he dies

*ring ring ni*

I looked at my scroll it was Ozpin.

Jack: Hello there.

Ozpin: Phantom can you come to my office? I would like you to meet someone.

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