Chapter 19 | Siege

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*8 years ago*

We see a rookie Phantom arming his first armor inside his room when suddenly the door behind him opened. When he turned around he saw uncle Arnold.

Arnold: What'cha got there, kid?

Jack: Creating my own armor. (Turned back to the armor piece he's working on)

Arnold: Hey... Jack, I want to say that I-

Jack: Don't... You didn't know where they held me up, you didn't know how they tried to break me... Just for my "Other self". I... Just wanted a normal life, not one like this. One where I am now forced to fight so I don't get back to that place. I... I wish that the IMC never came to our world.

Jack said as he was starting to tear up. Arnold reacted to this and set a hand on his shoulder.

Arnold: I know things won't ever be the same, but now I can help you... Now I can train you for the future, where you can stand and fight. And avenge those we lost.


We see a Carrier class ship with the name on it's side "SMCS Sentinel" followed by other 4 like it.

We see a Carrier class ship with the name on it's side "SMCS Sentinel" followed by other 4 like it

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How it looks

*In the bridge*

Ship's Captain: The Boss wants us to send a message to Atlas. A last chance to surrender, let's give them one.

The Navy crewmen started working to hack the VA's in the city of Atlas and any military channels so they could listen in.

Navy Crewman: We're in, sir. You're clear to send traffic.

SC: People of Atlas, for those who don't know who we are... We are the Sicario Mercenary Corporation, and we are at war with you. Atlas tried not only to steal our technology but tried to murder us. So we are returning the favor. Atlas Councilmen, this is your last chance to lay down your weapons and solve this peacefully. We may be giving you a chance, but we are not afraid to make it look like a genocide.

NC: We've been cut off from the comms.

SC: Good.

As he sat down and started waiting, we took a turn to Atlas where the civilians are evacuating and others are rioting, while the Military prepares, the Council prepares a plan to leave and Jacques is trying to find a way to make a deal with the SMC.

After many hours of waiting, there was no response. So they began the next phase...


*3 hours later*

We see a scene of men and women getting their weapons and gear on so they begin the siege. Jack gearing up as he was narrating.

Jack (narrating): We come into this world with our eyes closed. And most of us choose to live our whole lives that way. We blindly follow anyone who will lead us... giving ourselves over to anything that provides us with a sense of purpose. For me, it was the SMC. I had enlisted a long time ago, after the test the IMC did to me and when my uncle found me and took care of me. I joined the SMC with Adam, no matter how bad it got. I could always trust in him

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