Chapter 9 | The Thief, The Pilot, The Mission. Part 1/2

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After Blake removed the blindfold and told me that my eyes were back to Crimson I couldn't believe it... I grabbed my phone and used the camera to see my eyes and they were indeed back to normal. One thing I noticed is that someone was watching us, so I pulled a gun and aimed in the direction.

???: Don't shoot, it's us!

It was Yang, Ruby and MOM!? and 2 of them had scrolls looking at us, I think it's pretty obvious who has them.

Mom: Well you do know how to pick them.

Blake: That's your mother?

Jack: Yup. I said with an audible "pop"

Blake: Well now I can tell where you got your eyes.

Ruby: Wait, eyes? Looks at my eyes OH YOUR EYES LOOK COOL... and intimidating...

Jack: Thank you.

Yang: On the other hand. I'm happy that my brother and partner are now dating. Group hug?

Jack/Blake: No! Your hugs are the strongest ones/ I don't want to lose my lungs.

Yang: Oh well...

Mom: Anyways, while you are at the party I will be hiding from IronDick since he still sees me as someone who has to be arrested.

Jack: Mom, You should know that the moment they try to do something to you they will start a war with Sicario?

Mom: They still have me in their VIP Whitelist?

Jack: Yup.

As we were talking Ruby and Yang decided to go back to the party and Mom wanted some girl-to-girl talk and I moved away from them... After a while of looking at my phone I looked at someone on the roofs walking to the CCTV.

Jack: Heh, let's use the cameras and see what we got.

As I headed towards the CCTV I saw the Atlesian Guards downed so I called back up.

Jack [R]: Phantom here, requesting a detachment at CCTV, we got injured and KIA in here. BE advised there's an intruder nearby. Over.

HQ [R]: HQ reporting, we're sending a Marine Squadron. Out.

And so with a dark voice I said...

Jack: Come to me...

Then Kryll appeared and one thing I learned...

I can fucking teleport / move as if I was smoke with the Kryll.

(Btw there was a blackout in my town IN THIS FUCKING MOMENT - Cr12)

(took the fucker 3 hours to get back -C)

(Hey it was another asshole who was drinking beer while driving. Last one got murdered -Cr12)

So once I moved through the vents that the Kryll absolutely did not destroy so they could fit in, we saw a woman in the main computer trying to put something in, so as a good gentleman I used my krylls to attack her and she said.

???: What the hell?

The woman jumped away from the Krylls and once they spreaded across the room I appeared where they attacked her with my armor on.

???:So you're a member of that group? Heh, why not join me? I can give you what you wish.

Jack: Capture her. I said in a dark tone of voice

And so the Kryll attacked her and when she was hit by one she found out that they bypassed her aura.

???: Tch.


I looked behind me and saw IronD-I mean Ironwood. When I looked back my kryll had already finished knocking her out.

Ironwood: Outstanding job, Phantom.

Jack: Thank me later.

Once I went to pick her up a flashbang grenade hit the ground and I covered my eyes.


When I see I spot a Pilot with a gun aimed at the thief's head. The Thief was dead and the Pilot looked at me and contacted by radio.

??? [R]: Command, Subject-12004 is still alive. Orders? ...Understood leaving the area...


And when I snapped out of my thoughts he was already gone.

Jack: Fuck... FUCK! I kicked one of the tables, destroying it.

Ironwood was looking at me.

Ironwood: We... Need to speak after this tomorrow, come by the Headmaster office in the morning.

Jack: Yeah... Leave me alone...

And when he left I decided to sit somewhere.

Jack: That son of a bitch...

Ironwood's Pov

As I was already on the ground floor I saw Team RWBY and Sicario Marines. heading to me.

Ruby: General?

Ironwood: Miss Rose? If you're looking for Phantom he is at the comms floor. You should get there... Something bad happened, I'll be here waiting for the medical team and more soldiers.

Jack's Pov

I was sitting there with my helmet removed and my hands on my forehead looking at the floor until I heard a ding.

Ruby: Pha- Before she finishes she notices the death thief and me with my helmet on the ground and a broken table.

Ruby: Phantom... What happened here?

Jack: Demons of my past. They're back to hunt me...

Sicario E5: Shit... IMC's here, sir?

Jack: Yes. The Zeus Division.

Sicario E2: How do you know that?

Jack: Because one of those members recognized me. Called me by "Subject-12004"

Sicario E5: That's not good. I'm going to inform HQ and pull up DEFCON 2.

Weiss: How severe is that.

???: Means that civilians are to remain at their homes until the alert has lowered.

I looked behind them and saw Mom.

Mom: Jack... That was one of the men that made you a test subject.

Jack: He was one of the security, he used me to relieve his stress by punching the fuck out of me...

Mom: Jack...

Then 4 sets of arms surrounded me, Ruby, Yang, Blake and mom.

Ruby: If you need help you can count on us.

Jack: Thanks... But now...

I got up and walked away from them and called the Kryll.

Jack: I'm going to hunt some motherfucker.

And like that I disappeared, to hunt that son of a bitch...


1st part of this chapter came out so... Since you know what I mostly say here I won't waste your time and go without saying anything important.

Crimson 1 | Phantom logging off. Cuidense.

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