Chapter 6 - Taken

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Yay! Chapter 6. Cool. I don't know how long this book will be. So, I hope ya'll like it ^_^


Matt's POV

It's been a few days sense the funeral. The pack is back to normal, we are preparing for Will's alpha ceremony.

I woke up in Will's arms and it felt nice.... Until I felt something pushing on me.

'Hehe. He's happy.'

"Oh hell no." I quickly jump out of bed taking the cover with me.

"What the?" Will said sleepily.

"Do you have..." I gesture to his area.

"I do. Just like any other guy would babe." He called me babe. I'm in love.

I climb into Will's arms and he holds me.

"You're so warm." I hug him tightly, feeling his back muscles.

"I love you Matt."

"I love you too." I kiss Will's chest. He kisses my forehead.

I break the moment to take a shower. I need my morning showers, if not, I'm ugly. I grab my clothes and go into his shower. I turn on the hot water and feel arms rap around me. Will. He's so warm and.... Wait. This isn't Will.

"A pack without an alpha is weak." The person says.

"Who are you?" I say with a calm voice. Shaking and scared on the inside.

"You'll find out soon enough."

My eyes widen as he puts a cloth to cover my nose and mouth. He's trying to nock me out, But my wolf takes over. Fighting for his life and violently moves to break this guys grip.

"HELP ME!" He screams. Another guy grabs me.

"He's trying to shift!"

"Don't let him!" I fight for my life, trying to hard to shift. But it's to late. I pass out.


Wills POV

"This is for your father!" Is the last thing I hear.

I wake up to find my house ransacked and Matt..... MATT IS MISSING! I can't even sense him. Where the hell is he! I walk downstairs to see my mother is knocked out.

"Mom!" I run to her and she's coming around.

"I can't believe I didn't connect it before."


"Your father's death. I should have known."

"What mom what?! MATT IS GONE!" Her eyes widened.

She gets up quickly and makes a phone call.

"You were right." Was all she said then hung up.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Who was right?!" She's over there making phone calls and acting like nothing happened while my mate is missing!

"Will, your father was murdered. A rival pack killed him and after that sent me a letter, saying they know who your mate is and that they were going to take him. I didn't believe them, I thought they were bluffing. I guess I was wrong."

"Damn right you are! How could you let this happen!? You knew this would happen and yet you did nothing!?!"

"I took actions! I upped scarcity! I had the best guards watching matt!"

"And that wasn't enough! He's gone! My mate is gone!" I slam my fists into our granite countertop and crack it.

"Will please calm down."

"NO!" I felt a shift coming on. I run outside and shift into my wolf.

My mom makes a phone call, talking to someone, saying Matt is gone and we must find him before the ceremony. I try to find his sent but I can't.

'Were is mate?' My wolf says in sadness.

'Missing. I can't find him.'

'Must find him!' He whimpers.

I try to find his sent but it's no use. They masked it. I shifted back.

"Mom! Call for an emergency meeting! The pack is on lock down! I'm alpha of this pack now." I walk angrily past her and get ready for the meeting.

Everyone meets is the pack hall, I walk up to the mic and tap it. Everyone gets quiet.

"Why is the pack in lock down?!" Some yells in question.

"Everyone please be quiet!" I wait till everyone is quiet. "The pack has been invaded and my mate was kidnapped from my own home." Chatter erupts from the crowd.

I look over to my best friend who is becoming my right hand man. I nod my head and he shifts and barks. Making everyone quiet.

"This pack will remain in lockdown until we find out how they got in and out so quickly. We believe they had help from someone inside our pack."

You here mumbles in the crowd.

"Sir," one of the guards whisper to me, "your uncle didn't sign in and we don't see him in the crowd." He walks away.

I wave over my mother, "Where is uncle?"

"I don't know but we are trying to find him." My mom says and walks back to where she was before.

"Meeting dismissed!" I boom and everyone walks out.


Matt's POV

I wake up with chains around my neck, arms, and feet.

"Where AM I?!" I boom, demanding that the guard tells me.

"Shut up mutt!" She yells back.

"I am NOT a damn mutt you whore!" She growls at me.

I try to use my powers to release me but no use.

"Don't try to use your powers. You can't, not in those chains. Mutt."

The chains are long enough to that I punch her in the face for calling me mutt. She pushes a button and the chain retract, so far into the wall I'm pinned. She opens the cage and punches me in the gut.



"Whore." She growls and walks away once a door opens and closes.

She locks the cage and release the chains.

"I see you are awake." He stops Before the tiny lamp shows his face.

"Who are you? I demand to be released!"

"You are in no position to be making demands."

"Then who are you?"

"None of your concern."

And with that, I'm knocked out again.


So, what to do you guys think?!? I hope ya'll like it! comment if you like it please! Yay! Hehe. ^_^

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