Chapter 13 - Being Re-United

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Here you go people, chapter 13.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "HOW DARE YOU LET HIM GO!!!!" Matt screams at me while Arua ties Max up.

"He has to go through the council. If he receives death then you'll kill him. Understand?" I sigh as Matt stares at me.

"Fine." He walks away.

Arua was able to move Max and I was able to stop Matt before he killed Max. Max will now go through the console do decide what is done with him. I think he will get death, or rot in a cell for the rest of his life.  Arua takes Max back to the house, Matt is out on a run i think. I hope he is.

I stay behind to think over a few things. Sarah doesn't want Max to die, Matt wants to kill Max. What should I do....

"WILL! IT'S YOUR UNCLE! HE'S AT THE FRONT GATE!" A guard runs screaming.

I look towards the front gate, I can see a fire and hear screaming. I see a huge storm cloud form over the fire, Matt. I change into my wolf and run as fast as I can to the front gate. By the time I get there I see bodies, ripped in half. Uncle did this, this is his handly work. In war he always ripped his victims in two. I follow the  trail of bodies, so far all male and guards. I swing out to get the house, if the pack is under attack all female and children go the house and that is our last defence. I finally get there and get inside to see that everything is ok .  I go the command room and talk to the head guard, Ed.

"What's the status?" I ask, coming up behind him.

"Ok I guess. As you can probably see Matt is leading us and..."


"He IS  the front line." Ed says with a shaky voice.

I run out, got to get to Matt. When I get there I see Matt, attacking and killing Uncle's men left and right. Guns a blazing both sides, I'm guessing that Matt is using his bare heads... and I'm wrong. He has two pistols. I call it "He's tomb raidering it". He's doing good. I grab a gun and start shooting. I see Uncle in the back, coward. His men are strong, but mine are both strong and smart. We can flank them easily, but they have numbers. He's been preparing for this?

'SIR!! BOMB!!" To late. Matt is thrown back, lands in front of me. I run to him.


'STOP FIRING!" Uncle yells. "Everyone retrait."

Uncle's men go back. I lift Matt up and carry him back to the house.  I lay him on the couch, and the med team gets going on him. I look out my window and see that Uncle is standing at the base of the hill. I walk out of my front parch.

'DO YOU GIVE UP?"  I yell.



"Sir.... you need to see this." The nurse says to me.

I walk in and see Sarah crying, holding Matt.

"He's........... not....... he...... can't..... be......." I step back into a chair and fall into it.

"I'm sorry Matt," Sarah says, "I'm so sorry." Sarah won't stop crying.

I blank out.


When I wake up, I'm holding.... a head. I throw it. I turned around and see at least one hundred bodies.

"Will, come home." My mom says to me, reaching out her hand.

I grab her hand, 'What happened?" I ask.

"You killed. all these men. All Uncle's men. After what happened to Matt you just blacked out. You got up, walked out the house and yelled 'Uncle!' and then you ran down the hill and started killing anyone who wasn't our men." Mom says, walking over a dead body.

"So.... He is really gone?" I say with tears in my eyes.

"I am sorry Will." Mom says hugging me.

"He can't..... I was going to ask him to marry me.... we were going to have babies.... 1 girl and 2 boys.... We were going to have a great family." I break down into my mom.

"He's in your room, 'resting'." Mom says.

I walk up the hill, to the house. The driveway is lined with the people of this pack. I grab my phone, and see my pack ground. Matt is smiling at the lake, I play 'Can You Feel the Love Tonight' by Elton John, Matt and I's love song. I walk into the house, Max is crying with Sarah, the bastard. Should have let Matt kill him, now Matt will never get that chance. I stand at the bottom of the stairs, looking up.

"Please Matt, I can't lose you. Please be sitting up on the bed waiting for me." I'm crying now.

I slowly walk up stairs. I walk to our room, turn the knob and.... there's Matt... Sitting up on the bed, waiting for me.

"MATT!!! MA...." Oops....

I look at the ground, tears streaming down my face. I walk over the the bed, and kiss Matt's cold body.

"I love you Matthew, forever and always." I say, getting up and closing the door.


Short, but powerful chapter. Now, I am going to sit back and watch the comments whole. *grabs popcorn* You know I love you guys right?

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