Chapter 9 - Home Sweet Home

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Hi guys ^_^ I hope you guys are liking the book! Thank you guys for reading it.


Matt's POV

I get back and the whole pack is waiting for me. Everyone, but my dad. Apparently my dad left when I was kidnapped so everyone thinks he's in on it some how. It's sad knowing my own father betrayed me, mom, and his pack. I know one day, there will be a battle for this pack. Will against his uncle.

I walk into Will's house to see that the house is a mess. Maps, tables, drinks, and food is everywhere.

"Wow. Well, I know what I'm doing."

"Ya, nothing but laying in this nice couch, with your laptop, ps4, and the tv remote doing nothing." He ushers me to the couch. The only clean area around the whole house is the living room.

"Will, I'm fine. Trust me." I say trying to reinsure him.

"No. I called the doctor and he's on his way." He said as he raps his arms around me. "I just want to make sure you're ok." He kisses my forehead.

I hug him. "You're so kind."

"I love you Matthew."

"I love you too William." He lets go and hands me some clothes.

My favorite Captain America pajama bottoms and long sleeve shirt. I take them from Will and head to his room to shower. I open the door and the room is just how they left it.

"I haven't been in here since they took you." He says nervously.


"I'll fix it. I promise. Brand new bathroom door, new paint, new everything. To make it ours." He says moving the broken bathroom door.

I walk over to him and kiss his cheek. "Imma take a bath if you want to join me."

"No, I have to start cleaning up."



Will's POV

He turns and walks to the bathroom. I couldn't come back here without him. I start by taking care of the door. Had a dumpster put outside my floor to ceiling window so I can just throw stuff out. The door makes a crash sound when it hits the metal and clean up begins.

I get half way through the room before the front doorbell rings. I walk down to the front door. I slowly open it and see the doctor.

"Hello Dr. Marshall, thank you for coming." I shake his hand.

"Anything for the alpha. Where is young Matthew?"

"Up stairs, taking a bath."

"Ahh. Just what he needs, a nice bath."

"Ya, I'll go get him."

"No no. Just call me when he's done." He leaves before I can say anything else.

I walk back up stairs and look into the bathroom, he's sleeping in the tub. He's so cute.


Matt's POV

I wake up in the tub, nice warm water, jets are soothing, and the nice smell of roses. Will is cleaning our room. I turn off the Jets and get out of the tub. I dry my self off and wrap the towel around me. I walk to Will and hug him from behind.

"Hey." He says, turning in my arms.

"Hello." I say.

"How are you feeling?" He says sincerely.

"Tired, but wanting to sleep with you by my side." Will smiles.

"I missed you so much." He hugs me tightly but gently.

"I missed you too." I hug him back.

"Sir." One of the guards, I believe his name in Michael.


"He have an incoming message from your uncle." Will and I follow the guard to the office room and on the desk I see an iMac with Facetime on and we see Will's uncle.

"Hello uncle, how my we help you? You're going to tell me were you are so I can arrest you?"

"Hahaha, no. I'm here to tell you why I need young Matthew." I walk next to Will to look at his uncle.

"Why do you need me?"

"Because you are the one. The one to break our curse."

"What are you talking about?"

"The werewolf nature is a curse, not an act of nature. One hundred thousand years ago witches live along side humans until a forbidden love happened between a human male and a witch female. The witches cursed that human male by turning him into a wolf, then on the full moon he turned and and bit every man in his village and turned them all, killed all the woman and children and ran off, after that the werewolf race lived from there. But, I found away to break the curse."

"How?" Will and I asked in unison.

"By killing Matthew." He uncle says with a cold smile.

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