Chapter 12 - The Kill and Meet

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Will's POV

I wake up with Matt in my arms, he's so small. He smells like a forest after a rainstorm. I kiss him good morning, I roll over and see that it's 7 AM. Not bad, I would have thought it was later. I get out of bed quietly so Matt doesn't wake up. I put on some clothes and go down stairs and into the kitchen. I see my mom see my mom is up and cooking breakfast. 

"Morning mom." I say, walking to the fridge.

"Morning dear. Hey, Matt wanna help?" She asks.

"He's still sleeping." I say grabbing the Apple Cider and cup.

"He is? Damn, what did y'all do?" She asks handing me the plates. 

"Nothing, we just stayed up talking about stuff." I say, with my face a little red.

"Mhm. OK then. If you say so." She says.

Aura walks into the dining room with a tank top, pajama bottoms, robe somewhat tyd around her, and bedhead. 

"Morning, did you sleep well?" I ask, handing her a cup of coffee. 

"I slept wonderful." She sips her coffee, black. 

"That's good. How about your daughter, how did she sleep?" I ask, setting the table for breakfast. 

"She's still sleeping as well. I have one question though. Who was the guard standing in between our rooms?" She asks.

"Guard? What guard? I didn't post a guard." My mom says, her face white as snow. 

Aura and I rush back upstairs and we split into our rooms. I see someone trying to take Matt.

"You put him down, or I swear I will rip off your head." I say, ready to kill the person to take my mate. 

"You wouldn't kill your future father-in-law would you?" He says.

"Max? Why are you stealing your son?" I say.

"To break the curse." He says, smiling.

"You know that means to you have to kill him?" I ask, worriedly. 

"Yes, I do. Kill my mistake." He says petting Matt like he's an animal. 

"Get your hands off of me." slapping his hand away. 

"Matthew... I didn't know you where awake." He says, backing away slowly. 

"You never did. All those time you would stand outside my door way and call me a fagget even before I you knew. All those times you thought I was asleep on the couch and you would yell at mom for making a weak son." The windows start to shake.

"Matt?" I ask. 

"You were never happy, you always hated me and mom. Well, not anymore. Now, you are scared." Matt starts to lift his father into the air. 

"Matt, don't!" Sarah scream.

"Why not? After everything he put us through?" Matt screams as he puts Max into a tomb of no air, suffocating him.

"He's your father! The only you have!" Sarah says trying to get close to Matt. 

"You think I give a damn right now?!" Matt is determine to kill him. 

Sarah jumps onto Matt and stops him. Max gets some air and books it out the window. 

"You let him get away?!" Matt screams at sarah.

"Matt, he is your father." Aura says, calmly.

"Just because a piece of paper with someone's signature says they're parent doesn't make them your true parent." Matt says, jumping out the window and chasing Max.

"Should we go after them?" Aura asks.

"I don't know." I say with a puzzling look. "Maybe we should but only to make sure that Matt doesn't kill him so the pack can deal out his punishment." 

"And get information." Sarah, looking down at the ground. "You guys go, I'll stay here." 

"I'll bring Matt back. I promise." I say, jumping out the window.

"Where did they go?" Arua asks, we both look around and then see a lighting strike from the woods. 

"Matt...." I say running in that direction.

It starts to rain and more lighting. Some of the trees are on fire but the rain will put them out.... I hope. More lighting straight ahead, Matt is close. We reach a clearing and there they are. 

"Come in you two. Wouldn't want you to miss the show." Matt puts a ring of fire around the all of us. We are trapped in.

"Matthew don't do this! I am your father!" Max says begging for his life.

"Oh really?" Matt says making a lighting strike almost his Max. 

"The console would punish you for this Matthew." Max is now on his hands and knees. 

"Would they?" This lightning strike hits Max but it was small and weak. 

Matthew.... please...." Max is now crying. 

Matt smirks, light is coming from the clouds. Matt is going to kill Max on this blow.

"We need to distract Matt somehow. If we do that then this might stop. Trying to distract him while I try to get Max." Arua barely finishes before running to Max's aid.

Lightning strikes all around us, so now we have to dodge all the lightning. Several around Max, Matt is playing with him. I run, trying to reach Matt in time, I'm almost there when the final lightning strike charges up. The sky is drawing all the energy in this one area above Max. This strike will disintegrate Max. 

I have to reach Matt.

Almost there....

Few more steps........

I jump to stop Matt.....

But the final strake is released...........



So, how mad are you guys at me? longest update ever huh??? I'm sorry guys. Enjoy this. 

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