A Mother's Story

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Boredom was long gone by the time we stepped off the plane in Ohio. The quick refreshing shower I had before leaving, now seemed a far distance as I smelled of stale plane air. My crop top t-shirt bared just a small amount of skin before my high waisted, ripped boyfriend jeans started. My dark hair was pulled into a high braided bun, looking put together yet refreshing on purpose and I let a few strands dangle around my face.

Claire had joined us on this spur of the moment trip. Her braid swayed along her back, brushing against her simple sundress she wore as she walked in front of me with a massive grin on her face. She had never been to my home town, never been with me when I'd visited my father so to her, this little trip was exciting and new.

We loaded into my father's little red Chevy and he began driving. Claire and my father prattled on about who knows what, but I watched out the window, lost in thought. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe going to see her would just make things worse for my mom. But the pull underneath my skin that had wrapped itself around my bones, begging for me to return seemed to grip harder and tighter the farther we drove.

The more trees that passed, the more rural the surroundings became, the closer I felt to the two worlds that I was now a part of. This might be the way back to Illesall, although I hadn't given much thought to returning, not just yet. It had been a thought that had lanced through my mind once or twice but that was it. What would be the point of returning if I didn't know where to find this woman, or what she wanted? There would be no point in returning if I didn't know why the King had done what he did and how to avoid that happening to me.

My father turned right, and a large metal gate creaked open. I was drawn to the beautiful scenery. Lily's and lilac bushes bordered the road, colors of flowers blooming bright. Trees were a little more scarce, precisely placed next to benches that had a few people sitting around it. It seemed more of a luxury get away than a mental hospital as my dad turned around a small fountain and then parked the truck to the right of an averaged sized building.

Spires rose, on the four sides of this white marble building, giving castle vibes without being too unhinged. The entire courtyard was bright, airy, and allowed for room to breathe. The sun sparkled against the building as we approached it, the soft breeze tickling at my neck and playing with the few loose hairs that remained against my skin.

A simple glass door slid open to allow us entrance into a wide open lobby. Occupants that were housed here, all wore the same simple beige shirt and pants, sitting to the left, playing cards or other games. Some were lounging in chairs reading, and a few others did seem to be talking to no one but I quickly looked away from the soft whites and pale pinks that illuminated the sitting area.

A mousy brown haired lady looked up from the front desk and gave my father a warm smile. "Paul! Good to see you today, although it's not Friday. Was there something we forgot to schedule?" We stopped in front of the light wooden raised desk that she sat behind.

A few loose papers were scattered on her desk next to a phone and a computer she was now clicking through. "Hi Jasmine. Uh, no. This was an unplanned visit. I brought two guests I think my wife would be really happy to see." He answered and she glanced over the tops of her glasses at my father.

Her blue eyes then roamed to Claire and I. They bobbed as they slowly scanned us up and down, showing no reaction until her eyes rested upon mine. "Oh." She let out an audible breath of air. "She looks just like her."

My father nodded and Jasmine quickly grabbed the phone. She called someone and asked where Mirage was. It had been such a long time since I'd heard my mothers name spoken out loud, it seemed almost ethereal. Otherworldly, but I had experienced something truly otherworldly and this wasn't quite it anymore. Maybe that was why I'd accepted that after all this time, my mother was actually alive.

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