Training Magic

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"Please, no!" A voice begged, pleaded with me as fire blazed all around. It was hot, too hot, I felt like I was melting. "Please." The soft female voice begged again.

Lightning crashed against the mountain and that beautiful woman, hazy and distant below me whimpered and then I felt the life rush out of her. Another life, gone. Another life sacrificed for our purpose. I hated this, hated death even if death was sometimes necessary.

Thunder and lightning flashed and banged around me once more and I quickly whirled myself away from the fire, but not before a massive force crashed me back to the ground. Rage filled the storm above me and suddenly I was being slammed to the ground over and over again. My bones cracked, crunched under the force. Pain shot through me as blood slipped out of my nose and mouth.

Then I was raised higher and higher into the air, a pause and then a massive roar shook the mountain around me as I was flung to the earth once more. Rocks and boulders thrashed down the side of the hill, crushing my already crippled body. Everything ached, everything shook as I tried to drag myself out of the way of the torrential lightning and debris that was being hurled at me.

This was war. Death even by my hand was inevitable but that didn't mean I deserved to be tortured for it. Mortals deserved freedom from Fae who possesed much power like this.

And then I was raised into the air one more time and my back was snapped in two.


Drenched in a cold sweat, with a scream stained upon my lips, I sobbed. Tears streamed down my face as I felt the torture over and over again that ended with the most horrifying sound in the world. Agony filled my body, no, Runa's body. They had snapped her back for simply fighting a battle.

People die in war, that's the awful reality of it and yet they had been merciless towards her for fighting for freedom for a people that weren't really her own. Such a noble cause.

Yet, it had terrified me. Even knowing I was awake and that the dream was done, I was scared. I didn't want to go back to bed despite the exhaustion that ached in my bones. Rolling onto my side, I cried soft tears and muttered under my breath one word. "Bayne."

A whisper of his name that escaped my lips. The darkness from the cold and empty room was closing in, crushing me.

Time ticked on and I waited, the darkness becoming stained with a slowly rising sun and Bayne still hadn't come.

He had said just say his name and he would come. But each minute kept passing and I was still alone, staring at the wall of this bedroom.

Alone. Waiting in a cold terror.

Then I heard a soft click and footsteps padded into the room. A silent shadow crept towards the couch and laid down upon it, then the room returned still. He had come and I finally could close my eyes.

I dreamt of nothing else that night, instead, I rested peacefully.

When the sun was so bright and I could no longer resist its pull to wake, I blinked the sleep from my eyes. Sitting up from the plush bed, I glanced at the couch to find it empty but a small impression remained from where he had slept. I was his enemy and he was mine, yet he had come and watched over me.

Just as he had said he would.

Shuffling into the bathroom, I washed my face and applied some simple makeup before exiting to find a pair of dark brown leather pants and a blue top to match waiting for me. They were draped over the folding screen and I quickly dressed then braided my hair up off of my back, creating a crown of hair. Breakfast waited for me on the coffee table which I munched on, filling my stomach and then forgetting the rules, I left my room.

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