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The water was still around me, I dared not to even breathe not wanting to disturb the tranquility. Hot water did a sore body some good, MY sore body some good, as I relaxed in the warm bath that I was truly loving calling my own. We had trained most of the day away, barely stopping for lunch before resuming our sparring.

Not a single sword master alive back in the mortal realm could go toe to toe with Bayne. I closed my eyes as the memories danced in my head. He'd been so close to me, so often, that I had become accustomed to the feel of his skin. His heartbeat pressed against my body. I shivered at the thought, bare tattooed brawny skin wrapped around my body. He had been wrapped around my body and I hadn't been scared.

No, I had felt safe.


In control. And then cursed myself for the small wavering in my conviction to free both Fae and Mortals from captivity of both knowing and not knowing.

In just a day, I had doubted my mission because of some immortal being who, if could cross that veil, would be able to slaughter half the world with a single thought. Not again.

Not again.

My life that had been so meaningless now suddenly had a noble purpose and I needed to not falter in my course to right such a horrible wrong. Everyone deserved the chance to choose. Everyone.

I sighed and watched the soft ripples of water cascade away from me. Cause and effect happening right in front of me. What a relief it had been when Deimos had returned at one point during the training to announce that the celebration King Orym had planned to host tonight in honor of my capture had been postponed due to the conflict at the arena.

Bayne and Deimos had whisked away fairly quickly after that to go help their father find out how they had gotten inside the kingdom in the first place and patch any holes. Ethimelle had appeared just a moment later to escort me back to my room. My salvation in a moment where I hadn't known if my muscles or bones would make it any farther.

So for tonight, I would get to rest and wait. No one would be parading me around, I would just get to enjoy a little bit of luxury; which is why I remained in the bath for so long that it wasn't just my fingers that had wrinkled and softened.

This time, I let my hair down all the way. No one would be in to disturb me as Ethimelle had left a tray of still hot food on the coffee table once more. Long, billowing silky pajama pants paired with a matching tank top that showed a little more cleavage than I usually preferred were waiting for me; slung over the folding screen. I dressed quickly and then began slowly indulging on the hot bread and cheese dish. Soup of the utmost unique and delightful flavor coated my palette. They paired so well together.

When the tray was cleared, and my stomach just the right amount of satisfied, I finally felt a moment of rest. Peace. Nothing but the light breeze that billowed through the window to create any sound and I remained sprawled out on the couch.

It was longer than I was tall, clearly crafted for someone of a much larger size. I swept my long hair over the armrest and stared at the ceiling. Paintings of songs and dancing brushed across the canvas stretched out above me. Delicate colors mainly of gold and white and yellows, matching so well with this room.

Beauty was everywhere here, in everything. Different kinds of beauty, so unique and recognized.  And I closed my eyes, exhaustion biting at the edge. Yet just before I slipped away into dreamland, a small bump landed against my stomach.

I blinked and glanced down at my belly where a wooden figurine now sat. Easily recognizable for its short and squatty stature: Dwarf. In another moment, the dwarf figurine with a massive sword stepped forward, small little steps as it waddled up closer to my chest. I giggled and then realization dawned on me.

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