Fool Me Twice

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Stars had appeared in the night sky since leaving the city with Bayne and the balcony reflected the silver streams of light that pierced the midnight canvas. No longer were there a bunch of lounge chairs and chaises, but now there was that single dining table with two chairs around it.

Instead of candles this time, small orbs of light bobbed just above the table, just out of reach as I peered out into the night sky. It was beautiful at night. The waterfall now a pearl like color as it pulled in light from its surroundings. The animals and creatures that squawked and sung around me were a little more hollow and a little more distant.

King Orym wasn't here yet, so I took the liberty of walking towards the railing and gazing out down below. It seemed pitch black as the canopy of leaves from the trees obscured my view below and the only thing that pierced through the blackness was the pool of water at the base of the falls.

It was a darker blue, mixed with that pearl-like color from the water that crashed off of the cliff. I was so entranced by the sight, that I didn't hear footsteps approach and so when King Orym spoke, I nearly jumped over the edge. "Beautiful at night, isn't it?"

My heart lurched into my throat, and I placed a calming hand on my chest after shrieking. His eyes bore into me with humor as they darkened when I turned around. "I didn't hear you approach." I stated as his eyes undressed me and the bile in my stomach rose into my chest. But if I let him see how much it disgusted me, I knew there would be no convincing him of bringing Runa's body to the celebration, so I held still as he did so.

When he was finally done feeding his lust filled soul, he gestured towards the table and I glided towards it. Taking a calming breath, I sucked down some air and turned around to face him with a seductive smile. He lapped it up like a puppy as he sat down across from me.

"I did not mean to startle you." His voice slid out so sickly sweet that it made my insides curdle.

But I kept it in, masking the disgust that was rising. I had been with him for a mere five minutes, and it was already taking everything in me to not throw up. If this continued I would need to find a different way to calm my stomach.

"You were busy today." He started, taking a long drag of his wine before hot food appeared on our plates. Golden plates, golden goblets, golden everything. He really thought he could buy me with all of this. But this isn't what I craved. I had been in a loveless relationship, one where I had settled for someone who was comfortable and boring.

It wasn't that Dustin was a bad person, it was more that we weren't right for each other and it took all of this, it took him leaving, for me to realize that our relationship had ended years ago. That he had turned me into someone I was not.

I nodded at the King. "It was not my intention to create such upheaval for you by helping to defend your kingdom, Your Majesty." A faked apology for what had occurred this afternoon. I had to seem at his mercy for this to work.

He raised his chin when I called him by his title and gave me a nasty smile. "All is forgiven. Bayne received reprimand for taking you without my permission and tomorrow evening we will be hosting the celebration for your arrival and for your imprisonment to me."

Nearly choking on my food as he spoke, my stomach flipped as I wondered what reprimand Bayne had received for something I asked him to let me do; especially after last night. Whatever punishment it was, I deserved it, not him. My mind lingered on Bayne.

On his smile, his touch.

His goofy grin and the way he found butterflies of all things fascinating.

But I had to pry my thoughts away from such things and focus back on the King. Maybe if I pretended he was Bayne, I could make it through this dinner. So that is what I did. I didn't mention anything about the reprimand and instead asked about the celebration.

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