Not My Nightmare

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I shot up in bed. Not from some nightmare wrecking my own sleep, but from something that pulled at me from that state. Someone else was experiencing something I did so often. A thunderous bellow echoed through the castle. Someone else was being tormented in their dreams and needed me.

How I knew the scream was because of that, was as good as anyone else's guess, but I quickly left my bed and opened the door. Wandering the halls, I followed that pull to the terror that I knew so well. It took me up a floor and in the opposite direction of my room and then I heard it. Another roar of pain that shook the walls of the entire castle.

I crashed down the hallway and shoved open a door as another terror filled bellow slammed against my ears. The room was dark, only a few streaks of moonlight slipped in through the windows on the opposite wall from me. A massive king sized bed sat in between the windows, no canopy, nothing but a beautiful headboard of the most luscious navy blue. Blue lined with ivory.

The stone beneath my feet was dark, that purple midnight from the in-between when I shimmered and seemed to pulse rapidly with waves of ivory. It was beautiful and painful to watch as the occupant in the bed bellowed and shook with another cry of pain. I rushed forward, ignoring the empty fireplace to the right, circled by a large navy blue sectional couch.

Ignoring the open door to the bathroom that was twice as large as mine and twice as intricate, I reached the edge of the bed to find Bayne in a cold sweat. He thrashed out in bed and this time, instead of roaring in pain, he whimpered, as if the anguish to his soul wasn't rage but sadness.

"Bayne!" I said, and placed a hand against one shoulder and shook him.

He thrashed and pushed at me. I stumbled backwards before he cried out the word no in deep rage. You could almost see the fire burning in his eyes even with them closed. So I jumped on top of his bed, straddled him and shook him again.

"BAYNE!" I shouted. "It's just a dream. Wake up."

Suddenly more footsteps crashed into the room and I glanced behind me to find Brierra and Deimos both staring at what was happening. Turning back around, I attempted to wake him up again. Shaking him, yelling at him, whatever I could think of.

"Stop!" Brierra shouted at me just as Bayne sat up in bed, shoving me backwards and roared. Suddenly massive talons shot from his fingers and sliced right through my midsection.

A shriek left my lips as Bayne's eyes flew open and Brierra and Deimos reached me. I fell back, clutching my stomach and continued to stare at the talons that blended in with Bayne's fingers that no longer really existed.

"Are you ok?" Brierra asked me, and I nodded at her and Deimos before turning back towards Bayne. His face was twisted in torture, wracked with guilt as he stared at the reddening spot across my stomach. The adrenaline was slowly fading and a throbbing was setting in. Pulses of agony crashed through my stomach, the wounds causing me to become light headed. I was not ok.

Bayne glanced down at the claws that looked like thick eagle's talons, blood dripping from his right hand. "I-I-" He stuttered.

I shook my head, using a free hand to reach towards him, to touch him, but he scrambled away from me. "I'm not scared." I whispered to him and he paused. The talons slowly retracted back into his fingernails, his hands returning to normal before his body slumped in defeat.

He stared at me, my hand still outstretched, the other one clutching the wound that was seeping blood. The cuts that were making me feel woozy. Another wave of pulsing pain crashed through me and I took a sharp breath in. Grunting in pain, I swayed in place.

Bayne looked over my shoulder. "I'll take care of this. It's my fault." He stated and his siblings nodded before silently leaving the room. I heard the door close before I fell down onto my left side. He had caught more of the right side of my body with those sharp claws and this way felt less excruciating than sitting up.

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