Another Round of Nightmares

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I was exhausted and ready to slip into my bed as I let the dress fall from my body. Bruises littered my skin, ones that I had accepted as just a normal staple from everything that I was learning. My room was quiet, and I threw open the windows as I pulled my hair from the ponytail.

It billowed down across my back and brushed against my hamstrings, nearly to the back of my knees. Longer than before. I ran a hand through the hair, bringing it over each shoulder and let it fall against my body. Giggling, I couldn't help but feel like a mermaid as it covered my breasts so thick and full. And then I remembered Bayne's words on mermaids and how they weren't the most nice creatures and I grimaced.

My bath that night was quick, and this time, I washed my hair. Once the makeup was off of my face and I had prepared myself for bed, I pulled on the pair of lacy panties I had been wearing when I'd shimmered through the veil last. Ethimelle had washed them and they were the best thing to wear right now as I let my long hair drape in front of my shoulders and back to dry.

Stepping from the bathroom, I yawned, feeling another wave of satisfying exhaustion. I had learned quite a bit from dinner tonight, other than I still wanted some sort of verbal confirmation that the King's desire of me was for my power. The other question that flitted through my mind was how he would gain use of my power if it was mine, and mine alone.

I stepped past the folded screen and looked up, and my eyes locked onto a rigid Bayne. He was sitting on the couch, wide eyed and staring at me. His jaw was clenched tight and he slowly licked his lips as his chest began to rise and fall faster.

He seemed entranced by me yet there was guilt written across his entire face as if he was fighting to look away and I couldn't figure out why until I glanced down at myself and remembered. Remembered I was only in a pair of lacy panties with nothing covering my breasts except for two thick and long strands of hair.

I shrieked and ran behind the folding screen. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? I THOUGHT YOU WERE HANDLING THINGS AT THE NORTHERN BORDER?!" I yelled, furious with him.

"I was." He simply stated and I peeked around the screen.

"So why are you here?"

He had one eyebrow raised and then a slow smile crept along his face. "I handled it."

"Get your mind out of the gutter and bring me some clothes." I snarled at him and he chuckled. I felt a wave of desire for him crash through me as I realized he had found the sight of me like that attractive.

"Maybe I like those thoughts of you." He snarkily replied while walking towards the closet.

"Never going to happen, so why not enjoy more classy and clean thoughts?"

He didn't answer and I listened to a few things being pushed around before he emerged with a pair of silk night clothes. Shorts this time, otherwise the same as the ones that Ethimelle always left for me. As he reached the edge of the folding screen, I stretched my hand out and he placed the clothes on it, brushing his fingers against my hand.

"I enjoy those thoughts too." He whispered, a hint of song in his voice and then walked away.

I pulled the pajamas on and then stepped out from behind the screen. Bayne had returned to the couch and was waiting for me to join him. I sat down across from him, criss-cross applesauce again and he smiled softly at the sight before raising his eyes to mine.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence tonight, your Royal Highness?" I sarcastically said and he snorted.

"That's new." That stupid eyebrow raised up as he grinned at me.

"Do you prefer cheesedick?" I answered and he rolled his head back and laughed.

"That's more like it, sugartits."

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