Cut All Too Short

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Tuck stayed for lunch, during which Bayne didn't seem one bit bothered that he was here. Although he made it very obvious that I was his. Bayne was touching me in some way the entire lunch as well as when we moved into the living room to chat. He enjoyed the embarrassing tales of my wild teenage years, but admitted to several wild stories similar to mine himself, so I felt less called out.

I took mental notes to ask him about a few when we were alone, to clarify some of the details since I figured he'd left quite a few out to spare Tucker from the world of magic. But Deimos must have forgotten, or been distracted by Claire because when he spoke, he opened that door. "I'm going to shimmer home, and do a daily check in."

Then he shoved some hair behind his pointed ear and literally rippled out of the room. Tuck blinked. Then looked at me and then back at the empty space that Dei had previously occupied and disappeared from. "Uh, what?" He said and Bayne shared a look with me before turning to face Tucker.

"He shimmered." Bayne reiterated and Tuck stared dumbfounded.

My parents sighed as Claire took the lead. "He's a Fae. Which means he has magical powers." Then she pointed at Bayne. "He's half Fae which means he has magical powers too, but not the pointy ears." She pointed at me so I continued.

"I'm a witch. So I have magical powers too except I'm not immortal like Dei and Bayne."

Tuck stared at me, blinking in disbelief. He didn't say anything, didn't move. Didn't react so I wasn't sure what to do. Until he looked at Bayne. "Just half?" He asked and Bayne nodded yes. "So what's the other half?"

I groaned and leaned back. "Don't ask him that or he will show off." I muttered. Bayne glanced at me, a wicked grin spread across his face.

His words entered my mind. "Did you not like your ride last time, little witch?"

I shook my head and then smiled at him and slid words back through the bond. "That's not the kind of ride I want you to take me on." His face fell and I could've sworn I saw him blush for half a second. Then his eyes filled with desire and laughter.

"I love you." He said that out loud, in front of everyone and then kissed my forehead. I loved him too. With every part of my being, my soul. He didn't wait for me to respond, didn't make me feel obligated to say it back and I loved him even more because of that.

Turning to Tuck, his face was in a huge grin. "I'll show you."

Apprehension filled Tucker along with a little bit of excitement. Claire clapped her hands in delight and pushed herself off of the couch. "I will never get bored of this." She stated and we walked out the glass doors.

Bayne snuck out before me, so I shimmered to catch up to him and grabbed his hand. He smiled beside me, but didn't turn and look at me. So I sent more words down that bond. "I could never get bored of it either."

He stopped walking and without shame that my entire family was watching, that everyone who mattered to me was there except Dei, he lifted my chin with one hand and kneaded his fingers through the back of my hair before kissing me. His lips pressed against mine and I closed my eyes, leaning into his embrace.

If he had taken me then and there, I wouldn't have protested. But it was just a kiss. Innocent, passionate, loving.

When he pulled away, hovering his mouth above mine, I smiled. "Go on." I whispered and those scales rippled across his body.

Stepping back, I fell into the line of my family. Dei was the only one lacking as Bayne spread his arms wide and the wings peeled off of his body, spanning wide. He fanned them out as thunder clouds rolled into the sky. My mom leaned against my father's side and rolled her eyes.

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