Letting Go

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We ran back to the house, clothes rippling into fighting leathers. I caught a glimpse of Bayne's side as the scales flipped, flashing across his body and realized that the blank spot on his torso was no longer blank. Instead a girl with raven hair draped across her breasts with her head leaning back filled the space. She was sitting on a chair, her legs spread with the hair covering any intimate part of herself, yet not a single strap of clothing sat upon her curves.

Her hands gripped the sides of the chair and I suddenly knew exactly what that was, who it was.


But now was not the time to talk about it as Bayne threw open the door and crashed inside my parents home. Four shocked faces spun to see us, Claire jumped up in excitement upon Dei's entrance and then fell in concern.

"What's going on?" She choked out. Her eyes began to well up with tears as Deimos stepped forward and wrapped her in his arms.

"We found Runa." He said against her neck. All eyes turned towards Bayne and I, including Tuck's even though we hadn't quite told him about the war, about her.

"You have to leave, don't you." She whispered and he nodded. While she sobbed in her mate's arms, my dad rose from the couch and pulled me into his embrace. I held him back tightly and didn't want to let go. He knew as well as I did, that this could possibly be the last time that I saw him.

My mom was the next to give me a hug. "I am so proud of you. I am sorry I haven't been able to be there for you, raise you, teach you, but you turned out better than I could've hoped." I nuzzled into her shoulder, her tall and slender frame holding him gently. When I pulled away, I watched my father extend a hand to Bayne.

They clasped and shook. "You bring her back to me, do you understand?" He demanded. Bayne nodded, a silent agreement and promise to a loving father. Pain swept through his piercing eyes, as if he longed for something like this. I wished he had it too, unable to imagine what it had been like to live for hundreds of years with a father who clearly had no qualms beating his son.

Tuck gave me a hug. "Whatever you're about to do, be the Azora that you're supposed to be. The one that the most terrifying and gorgeous men I have ever seen is absolutely in love with." I nodded and attempted a smile, but it didn't quite reach my eyes. Praying this wouldn't be the last time that I saw these people, I stepped back into Bayne's open embrace.

He held me as we waited for Deimos. His hands cupped around Claire's face, tears streaming down her cheeks. She sobbed as he whispered to her, gently reassuring her. Gently offering her condolences that wouldn't do much. I felt Bayne's power ripple towards Deimos, and knew he spoke something to him but didn't ask what it was.

But, whatever Dei said to Claire next had her nodding and even smiling through the tears. They kissed, deep and passionate and even I felt the love that poured from those two despite the fact they had only met yesterday. I couldn't believe that it was yesterday I'd woken up in my apartment. It was only yesterday that I had learned of the soulmate bond Bayne had known about for months. It was only yesterday that I had first kissed him, and now here we were waiting to shimmer towards potential death.

Deimos broke away from Claire, my mom rushed to her side to hold her as he stepped into our group. I watched her and she nodded to me, mouthed 'love you girl', and then the world rippled away with Deimos leading the charge.

It was cold, my skin prickling with goosebumps as things solidified around me and I sucked in a deep breath of air.

"Eyrine." Bayne murmured beside me. Deimos nodded and I looked around at my surroundings.

White, bleach white filled the air. Five massive snow capped peaks of the most rugged and beautiful mountains rose in a circle around the center and tallest peak of them all. The one we stood upon. Just a few hundred feet below lay a valley littered with intricate workings of caves, the snow looked as if it had never been touched.

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