The First Attack

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A soft breeze and gentle morning light streamed in through the windows, waking me from the restless night. My body ached as if it had been there, had been crushed by the black itself and struck by lightning and I felt disgusted with myself for feeding into the King's sick games. I had willingly flirted with him.

Even though it had given me full view of the sword that forever dangled around his waist when he'd been mere inches from my face. To find a moment that he would take that off was going to be trickier than I thought.

All I could do for now would be wait.



Gain his trust and everyone he holds close to him. I slipped from the sweat soaked bed and took a brief bath before french braiding my hair back into two sections that wrapped together at the base of my neck to form a low bun.

After I'd applied some makeup and left the bathroom, I found clothes sitting on the bed and some fresh breakfast on a tray on the coffee table. Luckily, the outfit wasn't some slinky dress with thin fabric once more. No, it was a simple pair of billowing pants that gathered at the ankles in an army green color. The top was off the shoulder, short sleeves, tight, and white and I slipped it over my neck just as Ethimelle materialized in the room.

I shrieked in fright and then stared at her in awe. "How'd you do that?"

She smiled as I walked towards the food and began eating the warm breakfast. "It's called Shimmering. It's what you did to get through the wall, I just can't go as far of a distance. The more powerful you are, the farther you can go."

I swallowed the bite of food I was eating and chuckled. "Oh, so like disapparating in Harry Potter?"

Her face remained blank which reminded me that it had been five hundred years since these people had been in contact with the mortal world and obviously didn't know what that was. "Never mind." I smiled softly and she gave me a curt nod before tidying up my room as I ate.

Finally, after my belly was full and she'd finished making the bed and putting everything back into its place she looked at me.

"So, what plans does the King have for me today?" I asked her and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Nothing that I know of."

I raised my eyebrows. "Are you able to leave this castle?"

She nodded.

"I want to see more of this place." I asked her and she scrunched her eyebrows.

"I can only show you the Castle grounds for I can't leave them." She replied.

"Why not?" I asked, walking towards her as simple green shoes materialized on my feet from a wave of her hand.

"My job binds me here. I am allowed to leave when I am not working during the winter months. Another fairy takes my place for those colder days. Someone more tolerant to the harsh weather." She answered and opened the door for me.

We walked along those descending stairs and finally trudged outdoors. A blast of fresh air hit my face like a forceful punch and I stopped, taking in the refreshing freedom. To be outside. The sounds of the birds that drifted along the wind and creatures that moved along with, sounded majestic, almost like they were singing one with another.

I slowly began walking along the actual stone path, small steps with the thickest and greenest grass sprouting beside it. The path wandered down through a beautiful rose garden. Roses of all different colors that bled away to Lily's and another kind of flower I didn't know. It had the most unique colors and seemed to follow wherever the birds sang the loudest.

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