Swetty x Family

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I present to you: mum and dad

Betty POV:

"Honey, where do you want to sit?" I asked my four year old son, Jaska.

"With grandpa Hal and grandpa Fp!" He said excitedly as he jumped up and down.

"Okay, I'll move your chair" I smiled at the way he loved spending time with his grandparents.

We see my father and my husbands father, Fp, everyday but we designate every Friday for a family dinner night. Our parents are heavily involved in Jaska's life and I know not a single one of us would change it for the world.

"I'll do it Betty, sit down" my dad smiled as he got up and moved a chair so Jaska could sit in between his two grandpa's.

Sweet Pea had placed the last two plates onto the table and we all took a seat. Whilst our dads helped Jaska cut up his food and encouraged him to eat the veggies he didn't want, Sweet Pea and I looked to each other with small smirks. We have some really exciting news that we wanted to tell them.

"We have something interesting to tell you" I said as I looked up from my plate and up to Fp and my dad.

"What's going on?" My dad smiled as they looked up to us.

"I'm pregnant" I said as the biggest and most uncontrollable smile formed on my face.

"Are you serious?" Fp asked as he looked to Sweet Pea and I in happy shock.

"Yes, she's about three weeks pregnant" Sweet Pea smiled so proudly.

"I'm gonna be a big brother" Jaska smiled proudly as he sat up straight.

"You're going to be the best big brother, aren't you?" Sweet Pea smiled at Jaska who nodded his head.

"Congratulations" my dad said as he got up to hug me while Fp hugged Sweet Pea.

"Thank you" I smiled into his shoulder as he placed a kiss on my head.

Fp then embraced me in a hug as he too congratulated me. Hal did the same to Sweet Pea. Fp and Hal absolutely love being grandpa's, you can just instantly tell in the way they look at Jaska. They love him to death and I know how excited they're going to be to meet our second bundle of joy.

We all took a seat as Jaska began to whine since he felt like he was being left out. When we told Jaska he was going to be a big brother, we assured him that this was a new best friend. Jaska is a sweet boy who loves having attention, what young child doesn't? So we've also made sure to give him the attention he needs, as well as assure him he'll still receive that same attention and love that he has always known.

"Are you excited to be a big brother?" Fp asked Jaska who nodded his head.

"Mumma and daddy said I can play with the baby whenever I want" Jaska smiled as he looked to Sweet Pea and I.

"You're going to be a great brother, I know it" I smiled making him giggle excitedly.

"How long have you known?" Hal smiled as we began to eat our food before it went cold.

"About a week" I said with a smile.

Sweet Pea and I have been trying for our second kid for a few months. We both wanted to have a few years apart between Jaska and a second child because that way we would learn how to be parents before we had another. We both feel that the three of us are ready for another child and neither him or I are getting any younger so now was the perfect time for us.

"And we're only finding out now?" Fp joked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Jeez, give us some time to process the news" Sweet Pea chuckled, making me grin.

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