Betty x Sweet Pea

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You know what's funny? I've had this one shot sitting here for awhile but I've just been too lazy to edit it 💀

Betty POV:

"Hey Stranger" I heard the sound of an old friend as I walked into the student lounge.

I looked to my left and leaning against the wall was Sweet Pea. I haven't seen him in person for over a year now but he still looks the complete same.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a smile as I looked up at him.

"Can we go somewhere more private?" Sweet Pea said as he took a step closer to me and leant his head to my ear.

"Yeah, come on" I said as I headed out of the student lounge and he followed me.

I took him to the back of the school where it was just the two of us.

"So what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked as I took a seat on the picnic table.

"Either I come here or I get sent to juvie" he said. I let out a sigh as I shook my head.

"I thought things were getting better Sweet Pea" I said as he took a seat besides me.

"Yeah they were, then things got shit again" he mumbled.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Stupid fucking Jughead" he said angrily.

"He always seems to be the problem, doesn't he?" I grinned although his facial expression didn't change.

"Talk, tell me what's really bothering you" I said.

"The Serpents are supposed to be a family. People who look after and protect each other no matter what. Ever since Jughead took over, he's been trying to change us into people we're not and never will be. I was the only one who actually had the guts to speak out on it and look where it got me, here. I don't want to be in this fucking hell hole. But as soon as I punch Jughead, he called the cops. What type of bullshit is that Betty?" He said angrily.

"What do Toni and Fangs have to say about what happened?" I asked him.

"All they do is agree with him" he said.

"You don't really have anyone in your corner right now, do you?" I asked him with a sympathetic look.

He looked away from me as he let out a small sigh. I know Sweet Pea is definitely not the type to talk about his feelings but he's reaching his breaking point.

"You have me Sweets" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"The one person I have is a North Sider" he mumbled.

"Be careful or I'll ditch you and you'll have to  survive this school without me" I teased, to lighten the mood a little.

"You are the only hope I have of not going to juvie" he said as he faced me again.

"That's a lot of pressure Sweets" I said.

"Honestly who even cares what happens to me" he said as he picked up his bag and began walking away.

I picked up my bag and caught up to him. There truly is a special place for Sweet Pea in my heart. When I was at my lowest and feeling the most out of place and scared, he was there for me. We had barely spoken or interacted but he was there for me in away my boyfriend never was. 

"I'm being serious Sweet Pea, do not get yourself in trouble" I said as I held onto his arm and looked up to him.

"Why do you care?" He asked as we walked back to the main building.

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