Betty x Sweet Pea

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Bad mother fucking bitch era. Also the fact that people have realised I stopped posting means so much. Like damn, you guys care 🥹

Sweet Pea POV:

Everything about her was so smart and calculated, that's why I couldn't figure out why she wouldn't break up with the guy who fucked a new girl every other night.

"You're an interesting one Cooper" I chuckled as I watched her drink from her can of coke.

It was just her and I out the back of the Wyrm. We had the fire going as I sat on a log and she sat in a camping chair, cuddling into my jacket that I let her use.

"What's so interesting?" She said with a testing smirk, like she was ready to debate me on anything I could possibly think of.

"You're incredibly smart, you have everyone wrapped around your finger yet you still haven't got rid of the boyfriend. What gives?" I asked, making her grin, such a devilish look in between those golden locks of hair.

"He's useful to have around, for now" she said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Keep going Lizzie" I said as I slightly leaned forward.

"He runs the gang, not like I can just kill him and take his spot. I talk to the right people, I get rid of him and suddenly I'm the one in control" I chuckled as I shook my head.

"We're past being vague with each other, details" I said the last part sternly.

Tyler, my best friend and Betty's boyfriend runs the Serpents. I've known Tyler since I was four, I've always loved him, until he started cheating on Betty. He was good to her for the first five months or so but out of no where, he began sleeping around like he even deserved her to begin with.

I was the one who had to wipe away her tears when she found out he had slept with some Serpent. I was there to hold her when she felt like it was impossible to breath after he did it for the second time. It's safe to say I care more about Betty than I do Tyler.

"The plan is for me to become the Serpent Queen, without Tyler" she said which took me by surprise.

"I've been working with Tall Boy, Fox and a few other guys. Tyler isn't performing in the way he needs to because his dick is always inside someone and never doing his job. They're over it and I prove to bring a lot of benefits, if I'm queen" she said, so much power in her voice.

She's really changed since I first met her. She was so, innocent, so perfect and peachy. She's still perfect but so far from innocent.

"Cheers to the new Queen" I smirked as I held up my beer.

"Cheers to me" she said as she held up her can of coke, making me chuckle.

"You really need to start fucking drinking" I laughed as I drank the rest of my beer.

"Not going to drink something gross" she said making me laugh as I looked at her over the fire.

"Tell me, you going to kill him?" I asked and she smiled.

"What's fun in that? Remember the gun he used to kill Kai? I still have it, with his finger prints all over it" she said and I smirked.

"Seems like you're ready to pounce at any point" I said and she nodded her head.

"Soon" she said.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked her.

"I never get a choice with you Hunter" she said making me smirk.

"You still fucking him?" I asked her. I watched as her smirk dropped, giving me the answer I really didn't want.

"I don't know why you do it" I said as I shook my head.

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