Betty x Sweet Pea

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Hi, I love you ❤️

Sweet Pea POV:

"Is everything between you and Betty okay?" My girlfriend, Emma, asked me.

"Uh yeah, why do you ask?" I asked her as we cuddled in my bed while we watched a movie.

"It's just I know you guys literally use to do everything together and now I feel like you two barely even look in the same direction as each other" she said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"We talk to each other at school and when we're at the Wyrm" I said but she gave me a hesitant look.

"What changed for her when we started dating? It's clear that I'm the problem" she said and I instantly moved my left hand to caress her cheek.

"Baby this has nothing to do with you, it's just a little complicated" I said and she frowned.

"Then tell me" she said.

"Look, maybe a month before I got together with you, she told me that she had feelings for me. Obviously I didn't share those feelings and from there we semi went back to normal. Then you and I got together and she started becoming distant from me so I asked her what was going on. She said she didn't want me to feel like she was going to cause problems and that keeping space from each other was what she wanted" I said and she gave me a sad look.

"Sweets you need to fix things with her. If she's doing all this just to let you know that she's not going to cause any problems, I know she's not going to do anything. And I know you miss your best friend" she said and I gave her a hesitant look.

"She's stubborn" I said.

"Then how about your friend group and mine hangout tomorrow, go to the bijou or wherever and show her that everything is fine" Emma suggested and I nodded my head.

"Text her" she said.

I picked up my phone and found Betty's name. It honestly did kinda suck not seeing her name at the top of my latest messages. I wish feelings never had to get involved, not that I blame her at all for any of this. She can't help who she likes.

"Hey, you free tomorrow tonight?" I messaged Betty and then looked to Emma.

"Happy?" I asked her as she grinned.

"Very" she grinned. I chuckled as she pressed a kiss to my lips.

I looked back to my phone as I felt it vibrate in my hands with a response from Betty.

"I already have plans for tomorrow, sorry" she messaged back.

"Who with?" I messaged back.

"Do you think she's lying?" Emma asked me.

"Not a clue" I said and she nodded her head.

"Taylor, he's coming to town tomorrow so we're hanging out" she messaged back and I rolled my eyes.

"Who's Taylor and why do you hate him?" Emma chuckled out.

"The three of us were friends up until we were thirteen. He did a lot of stupid shit and his dad did some fucked up things in the gang. His dad got kicked out but Taylor was able to stay a Serpent since he wasn't apart of what his dad did. Taylor is kinda on the same level as Betty and I but he doesn't get any of the responsibilities that we do. I was over his shit so I don't talk to him anymore but Betty still puts up with him" I said and a small grin formed on her face.

"What?" I asked confusedly.

"You're jealous that she could like him more than you" she said and I rolled my eyes.

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