Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

"Please don't tell me you're going to speak to him" I said annoyedly as we stood out the front of her house in the near dark.

"He wants to speak Sweet Pea" she started but I shook my head angrily.

"When will you fucking learn to stop going back to that piece of shit? All he does is hurt you and use you. He doesn't love you Betty and you're not as smart as I thought you were if you think any different" I yelled at her.

I'm sick and tired of seeing her run back to a guy who constantly hurts her. A guy who will never love her in such a way that she deserves and deep down craves.

"You know nothing about my relationship with him so why don't you keep out of it" she yelled angrily at me, causing me to scoff.

"Yeah you're right. I don't know about all the times he's made you feel like shit. I don't know about all the times he's flirted with others girls. And I definitely don't know about the time he kissed Veronica when he was very much with you. So tell me what the fuck I don't know" I yelled at her.


That conversation, well argument was three days ago and I know her ex had hurt her more than ever. This was the third day in a row I had looked out my window into Betty's room and saw her crying.

Currently each of our dads were out of town due to Serpent related stuff so Betty hasn't had anyone by her side to take care of her. Usually, I would be more than willing to look after her but I know I'm one of the last people she wants to see. But it's been three days and texting her has done nothing.

I walked up to her room and let myself in. I watched as she turned her head to face me and the most unimpressed look formed on her face. She looked away from me as she cuddled her blankets closer to her chest.

"Go away" she sobbed out, breaking my heart.

"I've done that for the past few days" I said softly as I took a seat by her side.

"I hate you" she said which I knew she didn't mean. She's hurting and she needs someone to take all her anger out on.

I pulled up the blankets and wrapped it just under her shoulders so that she was warm. I then pushed some hair out of her face which she rolled her eyes at.

"I'm sorry I haven't been there for you" I said.

"I don't need you" she said.

"I'd say the same but we both know I need you. And that's why I'm here, because I need to make sure you're okay" I told her softly.

"I'm fine" she said and I gave her a sympathetic look.

"Wanna try again but this time no tears and no shaky voice?" I asked with a small smile.

"Fuck off Sweet Pea" she said.

"Sorry" I said although I really wanted to laugh.

"I'm here because I care about you, I hate seeing you upset" I said and she scoffed.

"You were more than happy seeing me upset when you were yelling at me" she said.

"Technically you were angry, not upset" I said and she let out a groan as she rolled over to face away with me.

"You're being a big dick for someone who said he hates seeing me upset" she mumbled angry.

I laid down next to her and wrapped my arm over the blankets so I didn't touch her but was still able to hold her close to me.

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