Betty x Sweet Pea

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Yet another Swetty one shot. Variety? Never heard of her.

Sweet Pea POV:

'Everything okay? My mum asked me from the table.

"Uh yeah" I said as I sent a text to my girlfriend and then rested my phone on the table.

"Apparently Betty's parents are already arguing and she's over it and upset" I said, causing everyone around the table to give me a sympathetic look.

It's Christmas Day and I wanted more than anything for Betty to spend it with me and my family who completely adore her. But no, her parents are making her spend it with them. Although Betty said she'd be able to join us after lunch.

"Poor thing" my mum said as my dad nodded his head.

"I don't get why she just doesn't come here" Jellybean, my younger sister said.

"Not that easy JB, she still has to live there and tolerate them" I told her.

"Why doesn't she just move here? Practically already lives here" my older brother Jake chuckled.

I looked to my parents with a grin. Living with the love of my life sounds absolutely perfect. I'm clingy and she tolerates it, what more could I want?

"That's a conversation for your father, Sweet Pea, Betty and I" my mum said and I gave her a confused look.

"You'd actually consider it?" I asked her.

"You think we haven't spoke about it before?" She said.

"But again, a conversation for a different time and place" my dad said and my mother nodded.

"Fine, but I'm hearing the rest of this conversation later" I said making my brother and sister chuckle.

"When is she coming anyway?" Jellybean asked me.

"Not for another couple hours at least" I said cashing her to huff.

"Not fair" she mumbled.

"Tell me about it" I said.

From there we moved the conversation along as we had family lunch together and overall had an amazing time together.

When Betty finally arrived, you'd think I was the first one to hug her but no. Literally everyone got to speak with and greet her before I did.

"Merry Christmas" Betty smiled as she kissed my lips and then we wrapped each other into a hug.

"Merry Christmas my beautiful girl" I whispered into her hair and then dropped a kiss.

"Come on, I want to open my presents!" Jellybean said.

Betty had bought presents for everyone and she didn't even tell me what she got for everyone. She said I wouldn't be able to keep it a secret for even a day. To her credit, she's right. But that's not the point here.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Betty as I lead her outside.

I know her family would have had lunch, but I also knew the pure hurry and rush she was in to get out of there and spend time with me and my family.

"I'm fine babe, thank you" she said as we walked down the hall.

"You know JB has been telling me all afternoon to text you that there's an emergency here just so you would come and she could get her presents?" I smirked and Betty laughed in shock.

"What if it doesn't live up to her expectations?" Betty said and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"That's what you said last year and she loved everything you got her. In fact, everyone was extremely happy" I said and she gave me a thankful smile.

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