Betty x Sweet Pea

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Yet another Swetty one shot lol

Betty POV:

"Hey" I said softly as I walked into Sweet Pea's room.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked as he paused whatever game he was playing on his Xbox and turned in his chair to face me.

"I broke up with Xavier" I said as I took a seat on his bed.

"What, why? Are you okay?" He asked me sympathetically as he switched all his attention onto me.

"I asked him if we could spend Valentine's Day together but he said he had been planning some party at his to watch some game for awhile. So I told him we could do breakfast or something since his party was at night. Every solution I had, he'd make up a reason as to why we couldn't spend time together. And he knows how important quality time is to me and I felt like he just didn't care about me. And then today, he didn't tell me happy Valentine's Day, or message me at all. So 20 minutes ago I messaged him telling him it was over and he got all mad and tried to call me but I just blocked him on everything because I deserve better than him" I said and he gave me a small, soft smile.

"Yeah, you do deserve a lot better than him. I'm sorry he treated you like that but I'm extremely glad you put yourself first" he said making me smile.

What can I say? I'm a girl who loves to be praised.

"I've always been raised to expect nothing less than the Princess treatment" I grinned and Sweet Pea playfully rolled his eyes.

"Your dad really fucked up with that one. Having to be nice to you 24/7 because you've been raised with nothing but respect, fucking hell" he faked being annoyed making me laugh.

"But seriously, are you okay?" He asked me as he took a seat beside me.

"I'm a little hurt but I'm okay" I said and he nodded his head.

"But I did want to apologise to you" I said with a sad look as I looked into his handsome brown eyes.

About two months ago, Sweet Pea and I had a bit of a fling situation going on. I'm sure we both had real feelings for one another but neither of us had the guts to actually say it. Anyway, instead of me ending us in the mature way, I just started talking about Xavier, my now ex. I truly feel horrible and only dated him because I was scared that I would fuck things up with Sweet Pea and I would lose my friendship with him. Sweet Pea has been my best friend since forever and losing him would be the saddest and scariest thing to happen to me. I got scared so I ran from my problems and Sweet Pea never deserved that.

"What for?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm sorry for the way, or the way I didn't really end our fling thing" I said and he took in a breath.

"Yeah, that" he said as we both were on the same page now.

"I'm really sorry how I went about that. You deserve a lot better and I can only explain my thought process" I started but he interrupted me.

"You were scared that if you asked for more than just a fling that I wouldn't like it and we'd mess up our friendship. So when Xavier started to show interest in you, you jumped all over it so we never had to deal with us. Is that right?" He asked and I gave him a guilty look as I nodded my head.

"I'm so sorry Sweets" I said.

"Can I be honest?" He asked me.

"As long as it doesn't hurt my feelings" I mumbled and he chuckled.

"I didn't know how to talk about our future either. Because obviously I love you, and you don't need to feel the same way, I'd understand. But I can't lie, it really hurt that it felt like we had a good thing going and then all of a sudden you're talking about some other guy" he said, like a knife to my chest.

"Can I hug you?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"Betts you don't need to ask me for anything. I've always been yours" he said as he wrapped me into a hug.

"I just, I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry" I said.

"Thank you for apologising" he said softly.

"And if you'd still like to be together, I would really love to be your girlfriend" I said as I looked up into his eyes.

"Are you kidding? This is all I've wanted for years" he said making me blush as I held him so tight.

"I love you so much" I said as I moved myself so I was straddling his lap.

"I love you so much more" he smiled.

"Can I show you something?" I asked him and he nodded his head.

I unwrapped one of my arms from around him and used it to push the sleeve of my shirt off my shoulder, revealing my green bra strap. 

"Baby did you come here to seduce me?" he grinned as his eyes were focused on my shoulder.

"I knew this was your favourite one" I grinned.

"How could you tell?" He asked with amusement.

"Well usually you'd just rip off my clothes as soon as I was within arms length of you. This always stayed on. Plus, you always fucked me really hard when I wore this" I grinned as he gave me his dirtiest smirk.

"What can I say? You're a stunner in green" he said as he lowered his hands to hold onto my hips.

"Hm, well I think you need a new favourite" I said and he gave me a confused look.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know, I've gained weight since then and I don't think it looks good on me anymore" I said honestly.

"sounds like you'd look even hotter in it if I'm honest. God I won't be able to keep my hands off of you" he said.

"Do you mean that or are you trying to make me feel better?" I asked him.

"I'll have you know I'm a big believer in thick thighs save lives" he said making me burst into laughter.

"I love you no matter how you look" he smiled as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you" I smiled.

"I love you too baby. And as much as I want you out of this shirt, I think we probably shouldn't rush into that yet" he said and I nodded my head.

I want a boyfriend and I want him now

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