Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

"Come get a drink with me" I said to Betty as I stood up.

She got up after me and followed behind me to the bar and into the kitchen where I leant against the bench.

"What's going on?" I asked her with furrowed eyebrows.

About five hours ago Betty had done her initiation to become a full and undeniable Serpent. Of course both her and I are Serpent blood since we were born into it. But reciting the laws makes you feel like you're completely in.

Despite all of this, she's been extremely quiet after everyone had finished congratulating her. She was bouncing off the walls earlier in the day because she was ecstatic for this moment. So for her to be quiet now, something is bothering her.

"Nothing" she said as she looked at her feet.

"Tell me what's happened Betts" I said softly as she leant against the bench opposite me.

"I said nothing, let's just go back" she said as she pushed herself up and took a step towards the door.

I quickly stood up and wrapped my hand around her arm, pulling her back to me.

"Did something happen with your dad?" I asked her and she shook her head, still not looking up to me.

"Your brother?" I asked and she shook her head.

"My dad?" I asked and again she shook her head.

"Any Serpents giving you trouble?" I asked.

"No" she mumbled.

"Me?" I asked her just incase and to my surprise, she nodded her head. I've been nothing but nice to her all evening.

"I'm sorry Betts, what have I done?" I asked with a frown as I titled her head up to look into my eyes.

"You never told me you were proud of me" she said so sadly.

"Betts that's a given. I'm always so proud of you" I said as I looked down at her sad expression.

"You always tell me when you're proud and you didn't this time" she said making me feel guilty.

I never intentionally try to hurt her and it really is a given that I'm so incredibly proud of the person that she is. She's the light in my life and everything she does makes me so happy.

I looked down at her with a smile as I caressed each side of her face.

"Elizabeth I am more than proud of what you did today. It takes so much courage to get up in front of everyone and recite the laws the way you did. You're strong, courageous and I am so grateful to have you in my life. You mean the world to me and I am so, so, so proud of you, never ever doubt that" I said as with each word her smile only got bigger and bigger.

"Thank you Sweets" she whispered as she pushed herself into my chest and wrapped her arms tightly around me. I smiled as I held her tight and rested my head on top of hers.

It's no secret that Betty looks up to me a lot. She always looks to me for advice, what to do and anything else she may need. I love that it's me and not some person who will take advantage of her for it. I always try my best to look after her and make sure that some of the stupid decisions I make don't influence her. I know sometimes it concerns each of our fathers how much she looks up to me because I'm not the best influence. But they also know I would never do anything to intentionally hurt her.

Both Betty and I looked into each other's eyes as I finally decided to ask her the question I've been trying to for the past few months.

"Can I kiss you?" I said, instantly feeling the biggest blush form on my face and those stupid butterflies in my chest.

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