Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

I walked upstairs of my friends house and up to her room. I couldn't help the smirk that formed on my face as I looked at the sight. I quietly walked into her room and looked down at my best friend and girlfriend fast asleep, cuddled up in each other's arms.

I remember when I first started dating Betty, I was kinda nervous that Skyla might get jealous that I'm spending less time with her. But apparently I've just found her a new best friend. Skyla will try and invite herself on Betty and I's dates just so she can hangout with Betty.

Although I am slightly convinced Skyla is going to take Betty for herself, I am so glad they get along well. That's extremely important to me.

The blankets were half off of them so I pulled the covers over the both of them and quietly walked out of Skyla's room, closing the door behind me.

I walked downstairs and took a seat in the lounge where Todd, Skyla's dad was sitting.

"Your daughter is cuddling my girlfriend" I said making him chuckle as he shook his head.

"Of course she is, she's made Betty her best friend" he chuckled.

"I genuinely believe Betty spends more of her time here than at my house" I said with a chuckle.

"I think Skyla's holding her hostage" he said making us both chuckle.

Skyla is a very social person so she loves making new friends and spending time with them. She also is bi, so at first I was a little skeptical of her closeness with Betty. But after talking with Skyla she made it very clear that Betty was just a best friend to her and of course I trust her.

I sat with Todd for a bit, we watched the game while I waited for my two favourite people to wake up.

Half an hour after the game had ended, the two of them came walking down the stairs. Betty took a seat in my lap and Skyla sat on the armchair.

"Hey bug" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pressed a kiss to her lips.

"Hi Pod" Betty mumbled tiredly.

"You have fun cuddling with my angel?" I asked Skyla who gave me a smirk.

"What can I say, she's very cuddly" Skyla said making me grin.

"Yeah, she is. Unfortunately I couldn't get my cuddles until now because you were hogging her" I said making Betty chuckle as she made herself comfortable in my lap.

"We were tired and needed a nap" she grinned and I smirked.

"So you'll be awake when you third wheel us?" I asked her with a chuckle.

"Please, you'll be third wheeling us" she told me.

"Mh, probably right. Do you even love me?" I said as I looked to Betty.

"Bubba, of course I do. Don't be stupid" she said making me chuckle.

"I love you" I said as I pressed a kiss to those adorable lips.

"I love you too" she said as she pressed another kiss to my lips.

"You two are sick" she said with disgust, making Betty and I laugh.

"This is what happens when you have no friends" I said and Betty hit my side.

"Sweet Pea that is such a horrible thing to say, especially to your best friend" my girlfriend told me off.

"Betty, this is how he treats me when you're not around" she said with a fake pout.

Betty looked to me with an unimpressed look as she shook her head.

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