Betty x Sweet Pea

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my loves,

Sweet Pea POV:

Betty had called me about an hour ago asking if she could stay at mine. She doesn't even need to ask, she knows she's perfectly welcome here whether I'm even home or not. My family absolutely loves and adores her.

We had been watching a movie for the past half an hour but she's just been so silent, which is very different from her talkative personality.

"Tell me what's wrong" I whispered as I pressed a kiss to her head.

"I said nothing Sweet Pea" she said as she kept looking at the tv.

I slightly leant over and picked up the stuffed octopus I had bought her a few months ago. It's one she saw on TikTok that you can flip inside out and it'll either have a happy or angry expression.

"Pick which side" I said as I handed it to her.

She took it out of my hands and stared at it for quite a few moments before she eventually flipped it to the angry side.

"Tell me what's wrong" I said again softly.

"I deserve so much better" she said, instantly causing a sick feeling in my stomach.

Her statement was so broad that it could literally have meant anything. I just hope this has nothing to do with our relationship. She's the best thing to ever happen to me and I can't imagine a world where her and I aren't together.

"From me?" I asked her and she instantly shook her head.

"My stupid fucking family" she said as she moved out of my arms to sit up.

"Why did you call me to get you?" I asked her since obviously that was the reason she called me.

"Because when my dad got home, he just started drilling me with questions so I got snappy. Later in the evening I needed his help with something and he basically just ignored me. And it's like you're supposed to be my dad and he's not. It's either his way or the highway and just ignores me. Like how fucked is that? I just want a normal family where my dad isn't a cunt and my parents actually maybe had a single ounce of love for each other" she said with so much anger and pain in her voice.

Her eyes welled with tears I knew she wouldn't be pleased that I'm seeing. She hates to be vulnerable like that in front of anyone.

"I'm sorry your dad isn't being the father he should be" I started.

Betty and her family problems are a reoccurring problem for her. She's upset she was born into a loveless marriage and holds a world of resent towards them.

"And I know you deserve better baby, but I promise you'll get it here" I said softly as I slipped my hand into hers.

"It's just" she said and then stopped, struggling to find the right words.

"You want your own family to be what you need?" I asked and she nodded her head

"Your family is perfect and it makes me sad that I've grown up trying to avoid my parents while you can happily spend the day with yours" she said with a sad glint in her eyes.

"If it makes you feel any better, my parents completely adore you and if you don't spend at least one night a week here, they threaten that they'll call you to stay the night if I don't" I said making her smile.

"I really do love your parents" she said making me smile.

The amount family means to me is indescribable and watching how easily mine gets along with Betty, I couldn't be any happier.

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