Betty x Sweet Pea

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It's a long one babes

Betty POV:

"Do you two have anything better that you could be doing, instead of pestering me?" I asked as I looked up to my two twins.

"Are you saying that you don't love your kids?" Tristan said dramatically as he looked to his brother who was shaking his head.

"Wow mum, I can't believe you don't love us" he said with fake hurt.

"You two know I love you more than anything in the world, so don't ever say that" I warned the two of them.

"Sorry mum" they both frowned.

Both Tristan and James are very big mumma's boys. They're great kids who hate when they disappoint or upset me. I love my kids to death and I'm so glad I have them in my life.

Their dad left when I found out I was pregnant. He couldn't step up so I did, and now I have two amazing boys to show for it.

"Good, now why don't you two grab some dinner and head home. I'll leave here in an hour or so" I said and they both nodded their heads.

I'm the leader of one of the most well known gangs in my area, the Serpents. I'm continuing after my fathers legacy, something I have wanted to do since the moment I learnt about the gang. As well as leading a gang, I'm currently in the process of organising my twins party. They turn eighteen next week and I'm throwing them a surprise party here at the Wyrm. So my life is very crazy and hectic at the moment.

"Card please" James said as he held out his hand. I chuckled as I shook my head with amusement.

I pulled out my purse and took out my card, placing it in James' awaiting hand.

"Do you want us to get you anything?" James asked as Tristan stood up from the couch.

"No I'm fine honey, I'll pick something up on the way home" I said and they nodded their heads.

"Be safe and text me if you need anything" I said to the two of them and they nodded their heads as they headed out.

I finished up some work in my office and then went downstairs to sort out the rest of the birthday stuff. Somehow I have to get this place decorated without the twins knowing. That's a problem I'll figure out tomorrow.

I decided to call it a night and headed down to Pops to quickly pick something up to eat.

I walked into my favourite place since childhood and placed my order.

"Betty" I heard someone call my name from behind me.

I turned around and saw two sights for saw eyes. I saw Fp and Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea was my boyfriend back in high school. After we graduated, Fp's mum passed away so they went to Orlando for the funeral and to look after his dad. The month long stay turned into them moving there. Sweet Pea and I tried to do long distance but after awhile we both knew it wasn't for us. We both needed that physical element so we made the decision to break up.

"Not sure whether to punch you or give you a hug" I smirked at Fp.

I'm not mad that they left, it was in both of their best interests. But it still really hurt. I have never loved a significant other the way I loved Sweet Pea.

"I think I would much prefer a hug" Fp smirked.

I chuckled as I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around me too. It was really nice seeing him again.

I then looked to Sweet Pea, a big smile on both of our faces.

"It's really good to see you" Sweet Pea said as he wrapped his arms around me.

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