Betty x Sweet Pea

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Short and maybe sweet? Lol. I write these and then take forever to edit it 😂

Betty POV:

I heard the sound of the front door open so I walked downstairs from my room to help out who I thought would have been my dad. Unfortunately I was meet by Sweet Pea.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, wishing more than anything to be seeing anyone but him.

"Well when the person you kinda care about more than anything completely decides she wants you out of her life for apparently no reason, it honestly doesn't seem that strange why I'm here" he said as he closed the door behind him and walked upstairs to my room.

"Sweet Pea" I started but he interrupted me.

"Unless you're going to tell me what I've done to upset you or anger you or I don't even fucking know. I really don't want to hear it" he said sternly.

"You're being rude Sweet Pea" I mumbled as I stood against my door frame.

I could see that that comment really ticked him off because he opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself.

"Betty I have been trying so hard to do everything to fix this situation. I've tried talking to you. Didn't work. I've tried giving you space. Didn't work. I've tried getting our friends to talk to you. Didn't work. I tried talking to your dad. Didn't work. I don't know what to do anymore and it's killing me I can't talk to my best friend about this stupid fucking situation because you're my best friend" he said frustratedly.

"Why don't you talk to your girlfriend?" I said without even thinking.

A few days ago now, I had seen him and Veronica kissing. I've had feelings for him for awhile and I thought he shared them too. But I was wrong and it completely shattered my heart. I've known Sweet Pea since I was born. He's become my everything, including the guy I'm so beyond head over heels for. And to see him kissing another girl made me so numb, angry, upset and hurt. It made me miserable, knowing he was with anyone but me. I thought I was always going to be his.

"What?" He asked confusedly.

"Why are you lying to me? I saw you kiss Veronica" I said and he closed his eyes as he rested his back on my bed, facing the ceiling.

"Please tell me this whole mess wasn't caused by that?" He asked me.

"So you're still not going to admit it?" I asked him.

"Cooper, what you saw, it was very one sided. She kissed me and I pushed her away. I don't even like her as a human, let alone enough to date her" he said and I gave him a confused look.

"But" I started but didn't know how to continue.

"But nothing Betts. You jumped to conclusions and made us both miserable for the past 4 days" he said and a wave of guilt rushed over me.

"I'm sorry" I whispered as I looked to the floor.

"Come here" he said as he tapped the spot beside him.

I did as he said, not wanting to fuck up anymore than I have.

I took a seat by his side and I was instantly pulled into his lap and wrapped up into a hug.

I rested my head on his shoulder as tears welled up in my eyes. I honestly wasn't sure if they were happy ones or not, but as soon as he realised I was crying he unwrapped his arms from around me and moved my head so I was facing his.

"Why are you upset?" He asked me softly.

"I don't know" I choked out and he nodded his head.

"Betty you have me. You have always had me. But please, explain why you stopped talking to me" he said.

"Because" I mumbled as I looked over his shoulder.

"It hurt seeing you two kiss because it wasn't me. You're supposed to love me Sweet Pea. And I was jealous and angry and upset. I was hurt that everything I thought we both wanted wasn't going to happen" I said.

"I love you" he said softly.

"I love love you" I mumbled.

"I love love you too. I always have Betts. How can I not love you and want you all to myself?" He said making my cheeks burn as I looked to him

"Why have you never made a move?" I asked him.

"Why haven't you?" He asked which was fair.

"I'm sorry you had to see that kiss and I'm sorry I never asked you out earlier" he said seriously as his thumb ran in circular motions over my arm.

"It's not your fault. But you haven't asked me out" I said and he chuckled.

"Cheeky one, aren't you" he smirked as he playfully pinched my side making me laugh.

"Be my hot girlfriend?" He asked making me laugh and blush.

"Yes" I said as I wrapped him up into a tight hug again.

"You're all and completely mine now" I told him.

"I always have been" he said.

"I'll kill anyone who looks at you" I said and he grinned.

"You're going to be very possessive, aren't you?" He asked me.

"Yep, and you're not going to complain about it" I said.

"I love it, makes you even hotter" he smirked.

"But never jump to conclusions like that again" he warned sternly and I nodded my head.

Done. Idk what else to say 😂

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