Betty x Sweet Pea

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I love you ❤️

Betty POV:

"You know, I really think you should start paying me more" I said as I placed five printed out photos on his desk.

"And why would I do that?" He smirked as he picked up the pieces of paper and flicked through them.

"Do you know how much it costs to print all this?" I asked him as he looked up to me.

"Enlighten me" he said with an amused grin.

"50 whole cents" I said making him chuckle.

"Yeah, probably not worth a raise" Sweet Pea said as he placed the photos back on his desk.

"That shit adds up Pod. But how about we meet in the middle? A bonus" I said and he smiled.

"I can work with that. You have unlimited access to the bar" he smirked and I rolled my eyes as I playfully shook my head.

"You know I only drink when Toni makes me" I said, his grin only widening.

"Indeed I do know that and if you have a problem with that, take it up with HR" he said as his smirk only got more devilish.

"Ah yes. As in the HR downstairs that kill people?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"That's the one Princess" he grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"You're annoying and I'm going to make use out of my bonus" I said as I headed towards the door.

"I'm gonna come down in a minute, mind getting me a beer?" He said and I chuckled.

"Yeah, but you have to pay" I said making him grin.

"Haven't paid in the last seven months" he smirked.

"Than that's a pretty big tab boss" I said as I walked out of his office and down to the bar.

I ordered myself, Fangs, Toni and Sweet Pea a drink as I joined the rest of our friend group at a VIP booth in the back of the bar.

About three months ago I met Toni and that's where she introduced me to the Serpents. I now work for them and I've become really good friends with a group of amazing people. Sweet Pea became Serpent King seven months ago and as much as he acts all cocky and tough when he's working, he's a sweet teddy bear when he's being himself.

My job is to get information out of people, as well as capturing some shots that will negatively impact another person. And I get paid a very, very generous amount for it.

Three months ago my dad was locked up in jail and my mother joined a cult. It's safe to say it was a stressful time and not many people knew about it. That's why I do what I do, I need money to look after myself. Although that is something I'd never tell my Serpent friends. I don't need their sympathy.

Sweet Pea took a seat next to me and smirked as he looked down at his beer.

"So kind of you" he said.

"It's okay, my stupid boss gave me some lame bonus" I grinned and he rolled his eyes playfully as he tickled my side.

"Your boss sounds extremely nice" he smirked as the two opposite us rolled their eyes.

"Would you two reframe from flirting in front of us?" Toni said, instantly making me blush.

I picked up my drink to try and hide my red cheeks and cool down my hot feeling face.

"Shut up" Sweet Pea said.


Sweet Pea POV:

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