Betty x family

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Not much Swetty in this one, but they're there 😉

Betty POV:

"Hey, where are you?" I had gotten a message from Fp.

"Just at the gym" I sent back as I picked up my water bottle and skulled half the bottle.

Two or three times a week I do boxing with my trainer Daniel. He seriously makes me work hard which is good, but jeez sometimes I think he's trying to kill me.

"Do you want to come to the Wyrm and talk?" He asked me which made me furrow my eyebrows at my phone.

That was a very weird question to come from Fp. He's not really the type of person to sit down and have a planned out conversation, which this seemed to be. But if he's reaching out like this I feel like I need to go check up on him and see what's wrong.

"Yeah sure, I'll be there soon" I sent and then looked up to Daniel who was trying to get me back up.

"Hey, I have to go" I said and he raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms.

"Why?" He asked me.

"Because Fp is acting really weird and I think I need to check in on him" I said and he nodded his head.

Daniel is a Serpent too so he knows that I have a high up role in the gang and sometimes it means I have to cut sessions early.

"You're off the hook but next session I'm going to push you harder" he said and I looked to him like he was insane.

"I knew it, you're trying to kill me" I said making him laugh.

I packed up my stuff and changed out of my sweaty workout clothes. I then got into my car and headed down to the Wyrm.

I walked into the bar and didn't see Fp anywhere at the bottom of the place, so I walked up to the office.

I opened the door and took a step inside, seeing Fp sitting alone, the only thing lighting up the room was a small lamp. I flicked on the light and walked further into the room.

"Hey" I smiled softly as I took a seat on the couch.

"Hey" he said, no emotion in his voice.

"What's going on Fp?" I asked him with a sense of concern.

He's not acting like himself and it's really worrying me. I'm use to Fp always being strong and in charge, but I also don't mind this. I like that he's actually being a human for once.

"Everything that could be going wrong is going wrong" he said as his head rested on the back of his chair.

I sat quietly for a moment as I racked my brain of what to say.

"Joey is a hot head, we both know that. He does things without thinking and realises too late that he fucked up" I said and he shook his head.

"I shouldn't have yelled at him and told him to go" Fp said.

Joey is Fp's first born son. As much as I love Joey and look up to him, both due to height and admiration, he's a hot head. About two weeks ago Joey began talking about wanting to move out which I truly can't see why. He has the best possible life at home. His dad does everything for him and he doesn't have to pay any form of rent. I get that he wants independence but there are ways he can go about it, other than wanting to move out.

About two weeks ago they got into a really bad yelling match, Sweet Pea, Fp's youngest, had told me. Apparently Fp got fed up with Joey saying he wanted to leave so he told Joey to do it. He also said not to come running back to him for help.

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