Betty x Sweet Pea

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I hope you've drank some water today <3

Betty POV:

"And if you ever see someone with that jacket, avoid them. They're low life criminals" I heard the sound of Veronica's voice from behind me.

I rolled my eyes before I turned around and saw her standing next to some kid I've never seen before.

"What's your name?" I smiled at the boy.

"Uh Sweet Pea" he said awkwardly.

"Well Sweets, people like Veronica over there are riches bitches who get everything they want because of daddies money. If you see someone in the jacket I'm wearing, feel free to come up to us because we'll be a lot more useful than Princess shortcakes over there" I smiled as I turned back to my closer, locked it and walked in the direction of my next class.

I'm a South Side Serpent, proudly born and raised on the South Side. South Siders are people who have so many more better qualities than any North Sider. But besides from that, myself, and my best friend Tyler are next in line to run our gang. And neither of us are going to take shit from a rich bitch.

I walked into my class and took a seat next to one of my friends boyfriends as he gave me a really excited look.

"There's a new kid!" Kevin said excitedly.

"I know Kev, I just met him" I chuckled and he somehow only gave me an even more excited look.

"Is he hot?" He asked making me chuckle.

"Should you be really asking me that question?" I teased him.

"Is a man not allowed to have eye candy? Not like I want to fuck him" he said making me chuckle.

"Anyway, I don't know. I didn't really look at him for that long" I chuckled.

"Fine, we'll figure that out later but have you heard why he moved here?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Apparently his dad stole millions from charity. Once his dad was arrested they had to move here" he said and I raised my eyebrows in shock.

"Jeez, poor kid" I said and Kevin nodded his head as the teacher walked in and began talking.


It was the end of the day and myself, Kevin, Fangs and Tyler were walking down to the football field. Unfortunately Fangs and Tyler both do football and they like Kevin and I to stay and somewhat watch them. It is genuinely the worst two hours of my week.

As we were walking through the halls, I heard the sound of another well known bitch of this school, Cheryl.

"Don't you feel horrible for stealing money from poor people?" Cheryl said as she raised an eyebrow and flicked her hair.

"Cheryl don't you feel embarrassed that everyone knows you tried to fuck your brother?" I asked her as I raised an eyebrow.

"Elizabeth don't you feel embarrassed that you're South Side scum and you're never going to amount to anything? You're probably going to end up pregnant and a teen, trashy mum within the next two months" she said making me laugh as I shook my head.

"Babe, pregnancy is longer than two months. Maybe try listening in health class, instead of day dreaming about your brother" I said, making the boys around me chuckle.

"Why don't you keep your slutty mouth shut" she said making me chuckle.

"Don't get mad because I can get people to date me. And it's really not my fault not a single person can tolerate to be around the bitch of Riverdale. So why don't you leave him alone and go be a miserable, unlovable bitch somewhere else" I said as I rolled my eyes and continued walking in the direction of the football field.

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